MPS Committee Minutes 

23 August 2017 / 3 – 4 p.m. PT / 6 – 7 p.m. ET

Teleconference #: (712) 770-4700 / Access Code: 743112#

Vice Chair, Carole called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. EST

Roll Call of MPS Members Present: Carole, David McB., Sharon, Laura, Pam S., Tammie

Approval of July Minutes: Approved

Sub-Committee Reports:

MPS Statistics Report– Pam S. (Orange County, CA) Tracking of literature to doctors, therapists, hospital and institutions and will providing monthly report – Tally literature, donations

H&I Report:  

Today H&I has a new Chair - Jay M.

Newcomer Jay M., an MD and person of 29 years of recovery, agreed to volunteer as Chair of MPS’s Hospitals and Institutions Sub-Committee - He requested more information on Minutes of previous meetings. He was directed by Carole C., in agreement with the group attending, to go ahead and review the ACA website under Repository under MPS Meeting Minutes for more information.

Public Information Report: David McB

David McB described that 4 sets of books are being distributed to factions and Head Offices of AA and is well-received. Florida AA Convention, ACA Information table and Literature was very well received. So Cal AA Convention this year will not be able to have an ACA table this year. David McB will share list of his communication of AA, with MPS at Carole’s request.

InterGroups Report – Bonnie Not present – No report

Regions Report – We now have a Region Committee under MPS and a Chair. Laura volunteered to Chair MPS’s Region Sub-Committee

Prior to Laura getting on the line, Carole C. spoke about CA Region 2 with the idea of vetting people more carefully since they can become WSO Representatives, whom can then become ACA WSO Board Members. They will need to have a Purpose Statement for example. Laura L. continued regarding Matt is in contact with her for the Mid-West Minutes. She has been in contact with Russia and other Regions. Additionally, while gathering material for the ACA WSO Archives she has run across a few interesting details. One historical example is the Regional Trustees group that consisted of New Zealand, Australia and Europe.         

The Traveler Newsletter Report – Patrick not present – No report

Africa Outreach Report – Beryl not present – No report

Virtual/telephone Meetings Report – David McB spoke of a Virtual Leader needing to be an actual real person who is listed through the ACA website, and accountable at each meeting or the meeting will be de-listed. He said that the phone meetings formats are too varied, not unified. It has been said it feels like the “Wild West” out there on the phone meeting lines.

ü  Meetings must be a safe place (1st Tradition)

ü  Need a general policy for guidelines.

  1. Problems consist of the following for some meetings... 
    The “After Meeting” uses the same line doing open-ended fellowshipping after the meeting with members talking about other members shares. 
  2. The phone line “owner” (a coined phrase, they do not own a line) cannot mute one offensive member during offending share - they can only mute all members, and do Red Book readings for example
  3. Members running meetings may not be safe people and they can see attending members phone numbers which can lead to other scary issues for attendees.

David McB commented that unity and safety during meetings is a need and that he hopes the Virtual Phone members will come up with their own solutions during the Virtual Committee Meetings, one of which took place at 4:30pm pacific, 7:30 pm eastern 8/23/17. He stated that this information will be taken to the Board in effort for a consensus. During questions after David’s report, it was suggested that meetings need to close their phone lines after the meetings are over, rather than keep them open for “fellowship.”

Old Business:

The MPS Committee organization chart was approved by the committee at the July MPS teleconference.

 To Do:

Send Board PSA information after Pam finishes a sample recording done from the wording via Bill D and Patrick.

Coleen Washington

Get lists of local radio stations from Intergroups 

Next month’s meeting will be  September 20, 2017 @ 11:00 a.m. Pacific 2:00 p.m. Eastern

Adjourned the meeting at 4 p.m. PT with the ACA Serenity Prayer

Minutes submitted by Carole C.