March Report from DTSC
*Delegate Training
- We held one training teleconference on March 11 and will hold the second on April 8th. The calls briefly touch on training that will be presented more extensively at the ABC. Erin led the call going over FAQ, delegate responsibilities and open discussion. There were approximately 8 delegates in attendance and hope that we got the word out for a better turnout this month.
- Workshops for the convention are under construction.
*SLACK invitations are being sent out to all registrants as per the WSO and delegates are also being encouraged to join a committee. A new channel was added for early arrivals to Toronto who would like to do some sightseeing.
*Delegate Survey in an effort to get a greater percentage of responses the DTSC is currently preparing a survey to be available at this years ABC.
*Buddy System is available we have had only one request and in process of linking the two fellow travelers.
Dear Fellow Travelers:
Thank you for allowing me to be of service. I wish everyone a productive ABC and an enjoyable conference in Toronto. I will be stepping down as chair and would like to nominate Erin as 2019 DTSC chair. It is also a good time to thank Mary Jo, Jim, Sue, Miles, and Erin for the service they did on behalf of the DTSC.
In Service with love,