The Report for August, 2018

Submitted by Jim R., the ABC Committee Chair, September 8, 2018


-          Delegate Training – In depth review of the standard practices and materials of the Delegate Training Subcommittee; teleconference discussion.

-          The 2020 Host Search – Applications arrive in 7 days; assessment tool developed.

-          Printing in Sweden – Clarified process for Host committee member; Sent test document


The 2020 APPLICATIONS – in the next month, assessment will be completed and part 2 is expected to get underway. As to the 2019 ABC, September has begun with a conference call involving Board, ABC and Host Committee members. We intend to look at the ABC Website in regards to permanent information for Delegates.




The Delegate Training Subcommittee

The DTSC held a teleconference call to discuss the materials and standard practices of the Delegate. The agenda is posted below, Attachment 1.

A standardized email response is being crafted, to be used by both the ABC Committee and DTSC for enquiries about the ABC or becoming a delegate.

The 2020 ABC/AWC

The Application was introduced and sent to interested members. An assessment tool has been reviewed and updated. The applications are expected to arrive by September 15th, the deadline.

A team of 10 members are in place to review the initial applications. We could possibly have 5 or 6 applications. Our goal is to determine the best 2 or 3 candidates. We will then ask the finalists for more detailed information in order to find our recommendation for the Board. The 2 step process allows groups to express interest and apply without having to initially invest excessive amounts of time.

The 2019 ABC/AWC

There was not much advancement in the planning of the 2019 ABC/AWC during the month of August. The important issues remain:

  1. Estimating Attendance

One way to estimate the numbers would be to conduct a survey. Another way to estimate attendance would be to get the registration process up and running. It may be possible for members to indicate on Trippus, the registration platform, that they are strongly considering attending the AWC, while not actually registering at the time. We shall see.

  1. Establishing the Website

The site, will be the perfect location for general and permanent information about the ABC, the Delegate Training programs and the Ballot process. Jim B will be consulted on how to fashion this information. will also switch over to reflect the gathering in Sweden.

  1. Determining Registration Needs

As the registration process is becoming available, the breadth of information that we are looking for will be discussed and determined.

For comments and questions, please write to Jim R., at [email protected].

Attachment 1.

Delegate Training Subcommittee Agenda

August 8, 2018


FAQ’s review of questions and answers.

Ballot Proposals or following up letter after notices go out via email as a vehicle to inform groups of the Delegate role.


How to make the ABC registration process work in hand with the DTSC

How can the DTSC get access to delegates as they register.


I was thinking that as members register to become a Delegate, they would receive an Introductory Packet welcoming them to the new or renewed position.




  • Be welcoming / Put delegates at ease
  • Suggest the similarities
    • People just like yourself are Delegates, each with an equal voice
    • Familiar business meeting format, just like at a home group
  • Heighten expectations
    • Opportunity to meet new friends
    • Chance to be of service
    • Allow a Higher Power to become evident in your life
  • Develop community


  • Provide general answers to frequently asked questions
  • Direct delegates to information: links and literature

Registration Survey

  • Collect information from delegates:
    • Where are they from?
      • World map with location indications?
      • Incorporate former delegates?
      • Include contact information?
    • Intergroup affiliation? Previous WSO interaction?
    • Personal goal or desire during the ABC?
    • Something you would like to do while in Sweden?


  • Provide a countdown calendar:
    • Deadline to register
      • For ABC
      • For AWC
      • For lodging
      • For meals
      • For excursions
      • For tours, before or after
    • Announcement of proposals/ invite to vote
    • Deadline for voting
    • Passport information
    • Delegate training teleconferences
    • Monthly WSO teleconferences
    • Monthly European Committee teleconferences
    • ABC/AWC Foreign Volunteer registration
    • Registration for distance voting

Note: This outline of an Introductory Packet was suggested by Jim R.


Review Welcome Letter for inquiries to the ABC

Additionally, Welcome letter as they register informing of trainings and educational resources. On the ABC host site as well as and/or, by way of link?


Updating and making Getting Started and other information more accessible year-round and prior to the conference. Downloadable Trifold?


Defining roles and responsibilities/suggestions for before, during and after the ABC.

After ABC, how could this address, particularly as the delegate term runs from April to April?


Electronic voting in 2019. How will it work? Need for education.


Workshop for Delegates on ABC and it’s benefit on more effective business meetings. Erin and Jody will edit this from the presentation at the 2018 ABC.


Erin D

DTSC Chair