What is an ABC Delegate?
An ABC Delegate is an elected representative of a registered meeting, Intergroup or Region.

What does it mean to be a registered meeting, Intergroup or Region?
This means these groups have officially informed the WSO of their existence, and they are listed on the WSO website.

What is the importance of attending the ABC, either in person or remotely?
Attending the ABC provides the opportunity for a group to have a voice according to the Right of Participation as stated in The 12 Concepts.

How does our group select a Delegate?
Groups are autonomous and decide for themselves by group conscience who their delegate shall be. It is suggested that the delegate have been a regular meeting attendee for at least a year and will be able to attend one of the Delegate Training sessions and the ABC, either in person or remotely.  The ideal time to vote in a delegate is in May at the group’s business meeting.

What is the term of service for a Delegate?
A delegate serves from April to April, from ABC to ABC. It is suggested that a delegate serve two consecutive terms for continuity, although each group is autonomous in making this decision. In our experience, the delegate is learning the ropes during their first term and feeling more confident in their second term. It is important to consider rotation of service as is suggested for all group positions and our Suggested Commitment to Service.

How do I register to attend the ABC as a Delegate?
Delegates register on the ABC Host Website.

Can a group have more than one delegate?
A registered group may have only one voting delegate.

Can a non-delegate attend the ABC?
Non-delegates may attend the ABC as observers.

Does a meeting have to be affiliated with an Intergroup or Region in order to have a delegate?

How does an in-person Delegate pay to attend the ABC?
Depending on the financial condition of the meeting, Intergroup or Region, partial or full reimbursement of expenses to the ABC is encouraged. Some groups pass a separate basket in addition to the Seventh Tradition basket to fund a Delegate.

If our group is unable to participate in the ABC, is it still advantageous to have a Delegate?
Yes, it is definitely advantageous for a group to have a delegate. A delegate keeps the group informed of the workings of the WSO and the ABC as well as the need and opportunities for service work.

Is there more information about having a remote delegate?
Yes, at the following link: https://acawso.org/category/remote-delegate/

When does the ABC agenda become available to delegates?
Typically, the second week of April

Where can I submit a question not answered here?
Your questions are important! You may email the Delegate Training Sub-Committee at [email protected]. We appreciate the opportunity to add further questions and answers to this page.

Last updated: January 2020