DTSC Report 3-6-2019

Delegate Training Sub-Committee Report

A survey is underway to assess the interest of ongoing Teleconferences and/or other resources throughout the year to educate and inform not only Delegates but those considering serving. Teleconferences would address not only the role of the ABC but suggested formats for all business meetings within the fellowship. Topics such as General Rules of Discussion and Voting, Motions, Minority Opinion, Robert’s Rules of Order among topics. Having received comments on the helpfulness of the DTSC trainings at the ABC and their use afterwards in group business meetings we will assess these options. The survey will also include questions on other options for training in place of mornings at the ABC thereby allowing more time for business. These questions would be in addition to survey questions typically presented following the ABC.

The subcommittee is looking at handouts for consideration by the Board to be placed in the Delegate Information section of the Delegate Binder such as a form for reporting ballot items back to groups, a table of contents for ease of reference during the conference on motions, points of order and the like.

Weekly dates for ABC Delegate Teleconferences will be set by mid-March allowing for differences in time zones.

In service,

Erin D.

DTSC Chair