As soon as you agree to be an Annual Business Conference (ABC) Delegate, review the Getting Started document located in the Delegate Training section of the WSO Service Website (
Become familiar with the Delegate Training Sub-Committee's (DTSC) FAQ’s.
Review the ACA Traditions, The 12 Concepts and The Suggested Commitment to Service (located in Section III of the BRB).
On the WSO Service Website you will find the latest version of the Operating Policies and Procedures Manual (OPPM), a document that reflects the day-to-day operating guidelines for the Board, Committees and the ABC.
As a registered delegate, you will be invited to Slack, which is an online collaborative communication forum that WSO uses.
If you wish to attend the ABC in person, discuss with your group the possibilities for reimbursement of your expenses.
In August, the Ballot Prep Committee sends the Call for Proposals to your registered meeting contact. The meeting contact will follow up on whether the group would like to submit a Proposal. The deadline to submit a Proposal will be included in that email and posted on the WSO Service Website, and is usually at the end of November.
By October, the ABC and ACA World Convention (AWC) website,, will be live. Information for Delegates will be provided and Registration will begin at this time.
In January, an email with a link to the Ballot will be sent to all registered groups that will include the Proposals submitted to the Ballot Prep Committee. Your group is asked to discuss and vote on whether these Proposals merit discussion at the ABC. The due date and instructions for voting will be included.
In March, Committee reports prepared for the ABC will be available in the Delegate Training section of the WSO Service Website. Additionally, the dates for the Delegate Training Teleconferences will be posted. All Delegates should plan to attend at least one of these teleconferences.
When the Delegate Binder is available online within the month prior to the ABC. Delegates need to familiarize themselves with the content, especially the Committee reports and the Proposals that are on the ABC agenda.
While at the ABC, it is recommended that you take notes to help you prepare your Delegate report for your group.
Provide your group with your report of the ABC, which will include the voting results on the Proposals. Delegates frequently confer on Slack to assist each other with this task.
Please contact the DTSC at [email protected] with questions regarding the role of the Delegate.
Last Updated February 2020