ACA WSO Web/database Report for the September 2012 Teleconference.

The number of registered meetings on the meeting list continues to grow, 1116 registered ACA meetings as of this week (a net increase of 10 meetings in August). In August we processed 14 new meeting registrations and 17 other meeting updates.

The web site continues to receive growing activity. In August, we averaged 1170 unique visitors per day, with those visitors looking at an average of 6 pages per visit (and this doesn’t include visits to the Shopping Cart).

The “Repository” is now on the web site. Selected board and committee members will soon be able to load monthly reports into the Repository, which will then be available for viewing by anyone. Joan has added the month’s Teleconference agenda to the Repository and I’ll be adding the various committee reports for this month. For next month, I plan to develop procedures for the various committee chairs to add their Teleconference reports to the Repository. After the Teleconference, I’ll also work with Joan to upgrade the agenda with the actual (draft) minutes. Over time, I still hope to get the critical information currently on the forum moved to the Repository, but this is a start. In the meantime, I’m leaving the old forum software running as is (available thru the Repository).

The office computers are still showing their age as the number of orders ramp up and the T-HUB is implemented and configured to process UPS shipping. Based on the approval from the last Teleconference, I’ve been working with the office staff to identify adequate new computers to support the growing requirements.

Kelso continues with the development for the “back-end” of the meeting update software. This will ultimately replace the current online meeting and Inter Group registration forms as well as the MS Access database held at the office. This will greatly simplify the meeting update process and should integrate well with the ”front-end” web meeting list once that is transferred from to

As reported last month, due to family emergencies, David requested we delay the transfer of the web meeting list from his domain to our domain. Since the current system is working, we’ve agreed to this delay -- between Kelso and me, we’re busy enough with what we’ve got anyway.

Scott R.

ACA WSO Webmaster