MAY 11, 2013 


The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of ACA WSO was called to order at 1:00 p.m., CST by Larry A., Chairman.

The meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer, and Concept V was read by Larry.  

Board Members Present:

Larry A., Joan B., MaryJo L., Karen R., LeAnne, Vonnie G., Allen

Quorum established.

 Committee Chairpersons Present:

1. Larry A., Executive Committee

2. MaryJo L., Treasury Committee

3. Larry A., Literature Committee

4. DiAnne A., ACA Signal Hill Office

5. Vonnie G., Outreach Committee

6. Scott R., Website/Database Committee

7. Joan B., Hospital and Institutions Committee

 I. Approval of Minutes

A motion was made, 2nd by LeAnne to approve the minutes of the April 13, 2013 minutes. Motion Carried, minutes approved.

II. Monthly Reports

1. Larry A., Executive Committee--no report.

 2. MaryJo L., Treasury Committee--A tag team treasury report was given by our outgoing Treasurer Phyllis and our incoming Treasurer Mary Jo. 7th Tradition donations for the month were $4,844.51. A full report should be found on the WSO Repository.

 3. Larry A., Literature Committee--highlights include paginating the e-BRB, and developing guidelines for Social Media. Volunteers will report efforts and recommendations to the board. There have been a total of 1,946 e-BRBs sold since it went live in August 2012. Also an update on the Meditation Book Project was given by MaryJo and we should see it on the website soon for a 90 day review before full publication. Translations and other pieces of literature projects are moving forward. A full report should be found on the WSO Repository.

4. DiAnne A., ACA Signal Hill Office--we've been utilizing the QSC for one year, are bringing in 2 new volunteers to help in the home office with 2+ more on the horizon of wanting to get involved with service; still experiencing difficulty with inability for real shipping costs to be displayed at time of order placement; survived computer crashes and rainy weather this past month. A full report should be found on the WSO Repository.

 5. Vonnie G., Outreach Committee--hit the ground running as new Chair, sending 297 emails in response to our fellowship from various aspects and approach while learning a new system of response via Vonage; also welcomes a new volunteer to assist the service, while relying on the ACA program for basic support. A full report can be found on the WSO Repository.

 6. Scott R., Website/Database Committee--Web activity continues to increase; site continuing to improve to better support the ABC with better tracking of the balloting and registration process. ACA now has registered meetings in 40 different countries, and we were able to keep guests from Russia and Finland attending this May TC meeting through internet connections. A full report can be found on the WSO Repository.

7. Joan B., Hospital and Institutions Committee--not a lot of activity this month but continues to send info to requesting centers. A full report will be found on the WSO Repository.

 8. European Report--Our European Liason, Anja, resigned her position as Trustee at the close of the 2013 ABC. We acknowledge and appreciate her service throughout this past year as well as her efforts at making our first "outside of the USA" Annual Business Conference a success.

 9. 2013 ABC Report, Karen--Rotation of Service Officers, as it should be, with a new executive board in place; 34 voting delegates were present and over 60 attendees representing 13 nations, bringing true description of a "worldwide fellowship." Ten of sixteen proposals had passed 2/3 vote of our fellowship to come for discussion. Of those proposals, 4 passed, 5 failed and one was deemed moot.

 III. Old Business

     Item 1 concerned the group that wants to make a video or audio to promote sponsorship: A motion was made by Joan, 2nd by MaryJo to table discussion; Phyllis will respond to the group that this issue may be deferred to a Social Media Committee for recommendation.

      Items 2 and 3 involved repurposing the 7th Tradition donations and creating a workable budget. Both items were tabled for discussion and deferred to the Treasury Committee, who hopes to have a full report and recommendations at July TC.

      Item 4 concerned the logistics of book orders and storage and expenses and was tabled for next month. Larry will talk with Diane to get more information.

      Item 5 concerns subsidizing drop shipments to other countries. This item was tabled until next month's TC or next working session.

 IV. New Business

1. A Motion was made by Joan, 2nd by Karen to establish a new committee under the auspices of the WSO Board entitled European Committee. Motion Carried.

 2. A Motion was made by Larry as the Literature Chair and 2nd by Leanne, that the Chair be authorized to sign the affidavit in support of the application to trademark the term "Adult Children of Alcoholics" on behalf of the ACA. Motion Carried.

 3. A Motion was made by Larry as the Literature Chair and 2nd by MaryJo to approve the expenditure of up to $2,960 for the audio version of the BRB. After discussion, this motion was tabled until next month.

 4. A Motion was made by Larry as Literature Chair and 2nd by Leanne to approve the expenditure of $260 for the preparation of the copyright application and the filing fee of the Danish BRB. Motion Carried.

 5. The 5th Motion was withdrawn.

 Guest Comments: We had guest comments from Las Vegas, Southern California, Texas, Montana, Denmark, as well as from Finland and Russia who were able to join us via computer hook ups.


The meeting was adjourned by Larry at 3:00 p.m. CST

 Respectfully Submitted;

Karen Ragan, Secretary

ACA WSO Board of Trustees