Note: these minutes are not yet approved. If you notice any errors, omissions, or have corrective suggestions, please contact me.
August 10, 2013
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of ACA WSO was called to order at 2 p.m. EST by Larry A, Chairman, and opened with The Serenity Prayer.
Concept 8 was read by Karen R, Secretary
Board Members Present: Larry A., Joan B., MaryJo L., Karen R., Vonnie G., Leanne S., Allen C.
Quorum established.
Committee Chairpersons Present: MaryJo L., Treasurer; Larry A., Literature; Vonnie G., Outreach;Scott R., ACA Website/Database; Joan B., Hospitals and Institutions; Diane A., WSO Office and Distribution Center; MajBrit M., European Committee
A. Approval of Minutes : The minutes of the July 13, 2013 meeting were approved.
B. Monthly Reports
1. Literature, Larry A: Announced the printing of 2 new booklets: "Good Enough Group" and "CrossTalk." He also reports in Ines's absence that the Spanish translation of the BRB continues to make progress with the translations of the Traditions just completed. MaryJo reminded us the Meditation Book Project is now posted on the ACA website ( for review until mid October. Leanne reports continued progress with the standardization of our ACA WSO approved literature and is hoping to have a package put together for board review and vote next month. The full Literature report may be found on the Repository.
2. Treasurer, MaryJo reports the distribution center was operating in the black this past month. There was $3,800 in Seventh Tradition donations and $1,600 in book sales. $40,000 is set aside for prudent reserve. Other funds are set aside for the website redesign and for the shopping cart revisions. Filing tax returns and working with the accountant this month kept the Treasurer quite busy as well as working on new Purchase Order system. For a full report see the Repository.
3. Website/Database, Scott R: Reports there are 25 new ACA meetings registered this month and 84 updates. Preliminary discussions have begun on website redesign. Using Google Docs in read-only format, the meditation book and the PI Booklet is now posted on the Repository for review. There is also a new menu item for Seventh Tradition donations. The full web report may be found on the Repository. Larry also announced that even though our website focus has been in redesign mode, we are hoping to have capabilities for bringing the ComLine back into production.
4. Distribution Center/Office, DiAnne A: Reports favorable outcomes of the "re-warehousing" project improving efficiency in floor space. She stated the 12th printing of the BRB arrived but there was much freight damage and staff made photos and detailed documentation of such which caused an increase of labor hours and costs this month. Bang Printing is filing a claim with the shipping company on our behalf. The full Office/Distribution Center report can be found on the Repository.
5. Outreach, Vonnie G: A busy month fielding calls to clarify a "point of contact" letter that had been sent out by the WSO. There were communications with 16 non USA groups this month! We've been invited to provide speakers and to participate in a Conference in Puerto Rico. Outreach continues to work and grow with H & I and with Public Information toward redefining it's service parameters. Her full report is on the Repository.
6. Hospitals & Institutions (H&I), Joan: Reports that a letter has been sent out to points of contact by way of Scott's assistance encouraging and hopefully motivating area groups to consider the formation of Intergroups. H & I is working with Outreach to evolve the committee for improved fellowship access--to have an umbrella approach, possibly renaming to, "The Member and Public Service Committee," having branches of H & I, Public Information, and Outreach within its realm. The full Outreach report can be found on the Repository.
7. European Activity Reports, Majbrit: The European Committee chair continues to send letters of to establish contact with other countries and is hoping to establish an ACA European Headquarters in Copenhagen. There is some activity being reported in Holland with the same goals as well. Intergroup meetings are scheduled and MajBrit hopes to keep us informed. She also expresses gratitude to Larry for sending a flyer they were able to translate into Danish and are excited that it will help the call for volunteers. There are 41 meetings in Denmark. MajBrit will be getting with Scott soon and will be posting her reports on the Repository as well.
8. Though Martin was unable to attend this TC, he did submit a report from the Social Media Committee. Larry recapped Martin's report from memory and reminded us that this committee was charged with looking at ways ACA could be presented in certain current social medias such as FaceBook. The committee at this time suggests that YouTube at least is probably governed by Tradition 11 anyway, because it is "film," so it may be suggested at this time to advise that personal anonymity should be guarded on it--examples of talks, etc., but no names, faces, etc. They are also considering the suggestion of words that may expand inclusion as that "press, TV, radio and films" may not cover all eventualities in our evolving media capabilities.
9. Executive Committee Report, Larry A. : No Executive Committee Report, but at this time Larry asked if there was any information regarding the 2014 ABC to be held in Chicago. The 2014 ABC Report was given by MaryJo who reported they were looking at locations.
C. Old Business:
1. To create a budget and also establish an annual budget review process for when year-end numbers become available. (Original issue from May 2013); item tabled until September as progress continues. (MaryJo)
D. New Business
Motion #1: Made by Larry, 2nd by Vonnie: That the Board approve the expenditure of $400 to be paid to Robin Remaley, our lay out person, to lay out, revise and finalize the ACA Meditation Book in print ready form.
Motion Carried: (6) Ayes, (0) Nays, (1) Abstained
Motion #2: Made by Karen, 2nd by MaryJo: To validate for record, majority WSO Board concurrence that Larry A as ACA WSO Board Chairman, sign the POA that authorizes Patricia of Wilshire Financial Services, Inc. to represent ACA WSO in the matter of the Drake Unemployment claim and related correspondence.
Motion Carried (unanimous)
Motion #3: Made by Karen, 2nd by Joan: That the ACA WSO Board pay for expenses relating to travel and accommodations for an ACA WSO Trustee, to attend the, "Addiction and its Effects on the Family" Conference being held September 6-7, 2013 in San Juan, Puerto Rico and to advance our Trustee an initial $500 of total costs.
Motion Carried (unanimous)
Motion #4: Made by Karen, 2nd by Vonnie: That the ACA WSO Board approve the consignment of ACA Literature e.g., the Spanish translated 12 Step workbook, to be sold at the September 6-7, 2013 "Addiction and its Effects on the Family" Conference being held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and to cover costs of the other ACA materials, or supplies, e.g., a display for the table costing approximately $75.
Motion Carried (unanimous)
Motion #5: Made by MaryJo, 2nd by Allen: To authorize shipment of 100 Spanish ACA workbooks plus 10 BRBs to Leanne as the point person for literature and related supplies in regards to the "Addiction and its Effects on the Family" Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico, September 6-7, 2013.
Motion Carried (unanimous)
Guest Comments: We had several new voices as guests attending this TC, showing interest in learning and growing in service work, expressing appreciation of the opportunity to sit in on the business end of ACA WSO, as well as the appreciation of the ACA BRB and program changing lives. Guests who chose to introduce themselves included Susan and Petula (CA), Beth (LA), George (MI), Peter (NJ)
Announcements: The next ACA WSO Board Teleconference Meeting is scheduled for September14, 2013 at 2:00 p.m., EST.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:17 p.m. EST and closed with the Serenity Prayer.
Minutes respectfully submitted by: Karen Ragan, ACA/WSO Board of Trustees, Secretary