October 12, 2013

Opening: The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of ACA WSO was called to order at 2:01 p.m. EST by Larry A, Chairman, and opened with The Serenity Prayer.

Concept 10 was read by Larry A., Chair

Board members present: Larry A., Joan B., Mary Jo L., Vonnie G.; Allen C., and Leanne S.  A quorum was established.

Guest Introductions (and number of TC meetings attended shown in parenthesis) included: Scott and Phyllis, AZ (many years), Mardi, MT (10), Susan, NY (4), Mona, IL (since 2011), Claire, MN (5), Martin, England (10-15), Ines, NY (7), Majbrit, Denmark (7), Warren

A. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the September 14, 2013 meeting were approved as posted.

B. Committee Reports:

1. Treasurer, Mary Jo L. The full Treasurer Report is on the Repository. Reminder: When making a 7th Tradition donation on behalf of your group, please include the Group ID #, otherwise the donation appears as "anonymous."

2. Literature Committee, Larry A.; Mary Jo L. tells us that the posted Meditation Book draft is coming off the website and finished product (thanks to many) should be on sale by mid November.  Ines reports another chapter of the BRB is scheduled for translation into the Spanish language and that a group in Arizona is helping translate some of the free downloads on our website. She continues to work with Vonnie translating Outreach templates of FAQs. Leanne reported on the progress of the Standardization of the Conference Approved Literature. Larry is waiting to finalize edits sent out on the audio version of the BRB and reports that since available in August 2012, there have been 3,188 e-BRBs sold. The full Literature report may be found on the Repository.

3. Distribution Office: Both DiAnne A. and Kristina were present as Kristina will be representing for the office reports in the future. DiAnne's employment with us ends at the end of this month as she returns to school and to advance her career. Both are wished well on their endeavors and much gratitude is expressed for their service to ACA. We continue making room for the new meditation books and other literature. The full office report may be found on the Repository.

4. Outreach, Vonnie G., There is a lot of excitement as so many countries continue to reach out for information about ACA as our fellowship grows. There were 75 inquiries from non-USA countries.   The full report can be found on the Repository.

5. Hospitals and Institutions (H & I), Joan B. reports having some returns on previously sent BRBs that were re-sent after address corrections. H & I Reports may be found on the Repository.

6. Website/Database, Scott R reports a new Repository tab for the 2014 ABC developing and he is looking forward to training office staff for the database navigations as well as preparations for the revising of the ACA website. Full Website/Database reports may be found on the website Repository.

7. European Activity Report, Majbrit M reports continued work with Holland, Germany, England, hoping to form a task force to organize a base for translating the ACA material into European languages. She is also helping Lithuania to establish a group.   European Activity Reports may be found on the Repository.

8. Social Media Committee Working Group, Martin C., No report.  

9. 2014 ABC: Joan B reports efforts to get ballots available to fellowship via website; Mary Jo L. reports that Al E. has volunteered as the Host City Committee Chairperson, and that Kathleen A. is working to secure a location.

10. Executive Committee Report: Larry A., No report.

C. Old Business:

1. To create a budget and also establish an annual budget review process for when year-end numbers become available.(Original issue from May 2013) Per request of the Treasurer, item tabled until November 2013 TC

2. Motion made by Mary Jo, 2nd by Vonnie: To authorize engagement of a California attorney who works with non-profits to help us ensure that our proposed Employee Manual and other documents are appropriately written. The cost is not to exceed $1200 without a further motion. After discussion and friendly amendment, the motion reads:  To authorize engagement of a California attorney who works with non-profits to help us ensure that our proposed Employee Manual and other documents are appropriately written. The cost is not to exceed $600 without a further motion.

Amended Motion Carried (unanimous)

D. New Business      

Motion #1 made by Larry, 2nd by Joan: That the Board approve the expenditure of approximately between $13,818 (B&W) and $15,109 (Color) to print 10,000 copies of the ACA Meditation Book, and that they be sold for $10 with a 10% bulk discount for orders of 20 or more meditation books.  The Meditation Book is to be added to the Meeting Starter Kit to include new Meeting Packet, The Fellowship Text, 12 Step Workbook, and Meditation Book, and increase the price from $41 to $50.  [$56 if bought separately] (Larry)

Motion Carried (unanimous)

Motion #2 made by Larry, 2nd by LeanneThat the Board validate for the record, concurrence to reimburse the WSO Staff Member for her trip to Prescott, and pay for her actual time in being trained for management of the ACA website. (Larry)

Motion Carried (unanimous)

Motion #3 made by Mary Jo, 2nd by Leanne That the Board validate for the record, concurrence to give pay increases to three of the staff members of our WSO Distribution Office Staff, based on recommendations from the Treasury Committee.

Motion Carried (unanimous)

Motion #4 made by Mary Jo, 2nd by Vonnie: To give a copy of the Meditation Book to the 60 people who contributed to and supported the completion of this book project.

Motion Carried (unanimous)

Motion #5 made by Leanne, 2nd by Allen: That the Board validate for the record, concurrence in approval for the standardization of all our ACA WSO Conference Approved tri-folds.

Motion Carried (unanimous)

Motion #6 made by Leanne, 2nd by Vonnie: That the Board adopt the "Graphics and Style Guide" as proposed to serve as a guideline and standardization of all print, web and electronic communications and publications from the ACA WSO.

Motion Carried (unanimous)

Motion #7 made by Karen, read by Joan in Karen's absence, 2nd by Leanne As per the OPPM pg 7, I move to open the floor for nominations for the positions as trustees to the ACA WSO Board. 

Motion Carried (unanimous)


Nominations for positions of service on the ACA WSO Board of Trustees include: 1) Nominated by Larry: Majbrit M, from Denmark who has service experience on the European Committee, has attended at least 7 WSO teleconference meetings, and who was of great assistance and support for the ACA's first International ABC.

2) Nominated by Larry: Ines Z, from New York who has service experience as a liaison and translator for Spanish speaking groups, has assisted in the Spanish translations of the Workbook as well as the BRB and with various items via the Outreach Committee.

Guest Comments: Mardi (MT) expresses hope for web readiness to include the new Graphics and Style Guide as well as future ComLine publications. Martin (England) serves on the Treasurer Committee along with Mary Jo and Allen and assures all that a lot of time and work is being expended toward getting the budget in place for 2014. Susan (NY) expresses gratitude for the example and efficiency of the WSO Board as presented at the teleconferences as well as the service to the ACA fellowship. Other trusted servants suggested that if anyone is interested in committee service or to put themselves forward for nomination as trustee to go to our website: and click on link for Repository and click on link for ACA WSO Corporation. That page should give you brief information with links to the OPPM (Operating Policy and Procedures Manual). You may also contact Board members by going through the Outreach committee: [email protected] or through the "Contact Us" link in the menu of our main website page.

Announcements: The next ACA WSO Board Teleconference Meeting was announced as scheduled for November 9, 2013 at 2:00 p.m., EST. We also announced the 2014 ABC being held the last weekend of April (25-27, 2014) in Chicago, IL.

Adjournment: The motion to adjourn was made by Mary Jo. Meeting was adjourned at 3:18 p.m. EST and closed with the Serenity Prayer.

Minutes respectfully submitted by; Karen Ragan, ACA/WSO Board ofTrustees, Secretary