To the Fellowship,

We’ve continued to refine the changes to the Profit and Loss Statement that are helping to clarify our financial picture. As you will see, the Distribution Center is doing a great job of processing orders efficiently and more cost effectively.

The 7th Tradition donations for September and previous months are listed on the Donations Received tab on the menu to the left. If you are sending a donation from your meeting and want to be sure the meeting’s name is listed, please remember to note the meeting ID number, which you can find on our website.

The Treasury Committee recommended raises for some of the Special Workers, which will be covered as a Motion during the October Teleconference. The Balance Sheet and Piecharts have more financial information for your viewing pleasure. As mentioned last month, our Piecharts don’t show the breakout of the two cost centers.

Thank you to the Treasury Committee members Allen C. and Martin C. Click here for the September 17th Committee minutes.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Jo L.

WSO Treasurer