European report for Jan. 2014

Thank you for an interesting work week in Atlanta. I’ve started on some of the projects. 

Getting Old-timers in Denmark to tell their ACA story. Would like to know what format you want it recorded in.

Getting in contact with the Danish African missionaries to spread the massage.

The question of an European office in Copenhagen is tabled do to absents of interest at this point.

I’ve been in contact with a guy that wants to do H&I in the danish prisons, he has been in the program for twenty years. We’ll wait for the Letter that Mary Jo has worked on. And have that translated.

Jimmy G, that worked on the BRB in danish has agreed to step up and help with further translations of the meditation book.

I’ve been in contact with Sweden, Slovakia, Czech, Belgium and Polan this month doing Out reach.

Also I’m looking into the possibility to invite a member from Finland and the UK to join me at the European Committee to help me to uncover what needs to be done, and how we can support the rest of Europa.

Martin C from the UK mentions that there will be a event in Letvia in the fall possibly in September at this point in time I do not have any confirmation on this. However should it be I’ve said that I will attend as a representative for the board, and I will be bringing a motion on that later on to get consensus on just that.

This concludes my report

Majbrit M

European Chair ACA