Our mission is to be the voice in Europe for the Fellowship of Adult Children of Alcohol/Dysfunctional Families (ACA). From a place of unconditional love, we carry the message of the 12 steps, by supporting the growth of the European Fellowship through Member and Public Services (MPS). This is achieved by coordinating outreach activities and disseminating information to the European ACA Fellowship, professionals and the public. Providing Europe with a service structure to service these purposes. We are not organized for the private gain of any person, and function as an autonomous board for Europe, as part of the World Service Organization (WSO). 


This month I've been in contact with members from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, UK Hungary, Ireland, Slovakia,Czech Republic, France, Germany, Austria, Greece.


 It has been month has been very hard work.  We have worked with getting our European Committee mission statement in place. This has compiled a number of emails. I've done a number of Skype calls this month. Personally I've gotten involved be taken my first non-Danish speaking sponsee.


 In addition to getting answers to members question I have invited them to the European Committee Skype meeting, the first Saturday of the month at 14:00 CET. Skype id: acaeurope One of the things working to build a service structure is that you need the tools to do so. Much of the work I'm trying to do is like building a house without a hammer. The tools I have had until a few month ago is what is available on our web-page (WSO) Meaning many of the meetings, Intergroups are not registered on our Web page. I have started to get more and more members involved in  networking and making them aware of the importance of us working together.


The Finns have asked us for support them by doing a presentation of the WSO and the European Committees work, they are also wondering if we would help them found the Helsinki Convention in september. They are asking for $800. I am currently working with them making sure that they are able to manage the task of members coming in from Europe when we post the convention on our website. And will be drafting a motion that will hopefully pass.

Most of the questions I have gotten this month is about shipping fees. A few wanted to know if we were able to get our literature on Amazon in Europe to what price.

Many questions on how to find a sponsor or getting the right sort of sponsor we discused it at our first EC call and we are working to resolve this because of the huge amount of requests for a sponsor but one of our concerns is maintaining the anonymity of the ones giving their name to do service as sponsoring a member in another country.