2015 ABC

April 24-25, 2015

Meeting Minutes

St. David's Hospitality Ministry, 301 E. 8th St., Austin, TX 78701    

                       Hosted by Texas LoneStar Intergoup


A. Called to Order: The 2015 Annual Business Conference of the ACA fellowship and WSO was called to order at 10:15 a.m. on Friday, April 24th by being welcomed and reciting the Serenity Prayer, led by Larry A., Chairman of the Board of ACA WSO Trustees

          1. Al E., West Great Lakes Intergroup (IG070) read our ACA 12 Traditions

          2. Shiloh E., (TX136) read our ACA Commitment to Service

          3. Mary Jo L., (IL212) read the reading of the day from Strengthening My Recovery

B. Facility Announcements and review of agenda given byBonnie K M, Co-Chair of City Hosting Committee (TX081)

          1. Gratitude to all service committees and volunteers who helped bring this ABC together

          2. Greg R, Co-Chair of Hosting Committee (TX081), was nominated and elected as Chairman for the conference.

C. Introductions

            1. ACA WSO Board Members:Larry A., Chairman of the Board of Trustees; Joan B., Vice Chair; Mary Jo L., Treasurer; Karen R., Secretary; Vonnie G., Trustee; Majbrit M., Trustee; Ines Z., Trustee, and historically the first dial-in through electronic communications of Skype, Martin C., Trustee

          2. Committee Chairpersons and Committee Members in attendance: Larry A., Chairman of the Literature and Website/Database Committees; Joan B., H & I Committee Chair; Mary Jo L., Finance Committee Chair; Karen R., OPPM Review and Revision Chair; Vonnie G., MPS Committee Chair; Majbrit M., European Committee Chair; Ines Z., Spanish Liaison Subcommittee Chair; Martin C., Chair of Intergroup Liaison Sub-Committee and member of the Finance Committee. Also introduced Robin R, a special worker with the WSO in charge of editorial layouts.

          3. Host Committee Chair and Committee Members

          4. ACA Group and Intergroup Voting Delegates (list available through ABC Chair, Mary Jo L.)

          5. Non-voting attendees  

          6. Charlie H (DA092), Guest Speaker

D. Quorum established   24 eligible voting ABC Delegates present for morning session

E. 12 Concepts of ACA World Service read by Shannon W (TX141)

F. Presentations of the ACA WSO Annual Reports

            1. 2014 ABC Minutes--Karen R., Secretary

          Motion was made by Bob B., and 2nd, to approve the minutes of the 2014 ABC.

            This motion was discussed. The following amendments were made

                   a. Amend the list of attendees (attached to the minutes) that Vonnie G. was present to represent ACA meeting # TEL173 as a delegate and  that historically, this was the first representation of an ACA Telephone meeting at an ABC.

                   b. Amend to show objection of Bonnie K M to the wording of item #8 of the minutes.

                   c. Amend to remove wordings of "brought forward to motion by (name)" on 2014 ABC proposals 1-5 as the motions were brought forward by the groups as documented, not by the people who read them.

                   d. Amend to correct the spelling of the name of the speaker mentioned under item #7., b. from "Nate" to Nayt.

            The minutes of the 2014 ABC as amended were approved by majority vote.

          Motion 0424151/abc           

          2. Finance Committee--Mary Jo L., Treasurer

               Year end summary of financial picture with included profit and loss statements, balance sheets, audit preparations and year-to-year comparisons

Break for lunch 11:49 a.m.; Announcement made of historical significance of fellowship members being able to dial in per telephone and listen in to the Annual Business Conference for the first time.Acknowledgement and appreciation expressed to Antony (TX081) who made this happen!   

The 2015 Annual Business Conference of the ACA fellowship and WSO reconvened from lunch at 1:39 p.m.    Continuation of Reports:      

          3. Literature--Larry A.               Recognized Special worker, Robin R for her talents with literature layout; recognized Ines Z with her efforts in translations; discussed year end summary of various literature projects, including the ComLine, the Book Seeding project and progress on various pieces of literature development

          4. Distribution Office, Sam B, Office Manager (not present)--read by Mary Jo L.

               Year end summary of activities regarding the Distribution Center

          5. Members and Public Service, Vonnie G--read per the fellowship members in attendance, reported the year end summary of progress and activities regarding public outreach and member service

          6. Hospitals and Institutions, Joan B.

               Year end summary of activities involving hospital and institution outreach

          7. Intergroup Liaison Sub-Committee, Martin C. (present by Skype)--read by Karen

               Year end summary of discussions and participation by registered ACA Intergroups and encouragement for further participation and input regarding the best means to establish those communications

          8. European Committee, MajBrit

               Year end summary and discussion of European outreach and development

Break at 3:05 p.m.

Reconvened 3: 30 p.m.    Announced departure of one voting delegate and arrival of three voting delegates: 24+3=27-1=26 voting Delegates present.

          9. Executive Committee Report--Joan B.

               Year end summary of decisions and actions taken by the ACA WSO Executive Board

            10. Letter from the Chair, Larry A.,

               "Rise and Shine" with highlights of visions of future growth by the ACA Chairman

            Motion was made by Traci S.(IG17), to approve the reports; passed by majority.             Motion 0424152/abc

G.   Presentation of Social Media Committee's suggested amendment to the Eleventh Tradition of Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA).

            Motion: To change Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA)'s Eleventh Tradition, which reads, "Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we maintain personal anonymity at the level of press radio, TV, and films." by (1) omitting the word "and," (2) by omitting the period after the word "films" and by (3) inserting a comma after the word films and by (4) adding the words "and other public media of communication" and by inserting a period after the word, "communication." This motion was discussed and an amendment was made to omit the words "of communication".   The amended motion is as follows:

Motion: To change Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA)'s Eleventh Tradition, which reads, "Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we maintain personal anonymity at the level of press radio, TV, and films." by (1) omitting the word "and," (2) by omitting the period after the word "films" and by (3) inserting a comma after the word "films" and by (4) adding the words "and other public media" and by inserting a period after the word, "media," that the Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA)'s Eleventh Tradition shall henceforth state: "Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we maintain personal anonymity at the level of press radio, TV, films, and other public media."                                                                            Motion 0424153/abc

Motion carried: ayes: 25, nay: 0, abstain: 1


G.   Presentation of Group Conscience Survey Ballots approved for discussion

       1. Proposal 2015–4 submitted by (IG076)

Issue:WSO institute a program of planned, phased-in, on-going Public Service Announcements (TV, internet, radio, periodicals) to let the general public know ACA exists, who we are, that we work on personal recovery from growing up in alcoholic and dysfunctional homes, and give a phone number and web address to find meetings in local areas. No faces are to be on the announcements and no promises of outcomes are to be made.      Discussion halted with a motion to adjourn for the day.

The 2015 Annual Business Conference of the ACA fellowship and WSO, Day 1, adjourned at 4:35 p.m.

Day 2

The 2015 Annual Business Conference of the ACA fellowship and WSO was called to order at 9:35 a.m. on Saturday, April 25th by being welcomed and reciting the Serenity Prayer, led by Greg R (TX081), ABC Chairman.

Meditations on Tradition 2 (pg 502/BRB) and Tradition 5 (pg 517/BRB) were read by Vonnie G (TEL173)

Mary Jo L., (IL212) read the reading of the day from Strengthening My Recovery

Greg introduced 3 non-voting members and did a recap of Day 1's events.

          1. Discussion resumed on Issue Proposal 2015-4

               Motion was made by Karen R (TN029), 2nd and discussed:

                 Motion to have the ACA Board create and/or approve submissions of ACA PSAs to be made available to the fellowship.                                  

               18 aye, 3 nay, 3 abstentions.       Motion carried.       Motion 0425151/abc


          2. Proposal 2015-5,6,7 submitted by (IG076, CA1006, CA915)  

                 Issue:   Move to have WSO upload all tri-folds in unalterable PDF forms in all available translations so members worldwide can download them for free.    Discussion held. Motion made by Ro (TX104), 2nd and discussed for an amendment to Proposal 2014-5,6,7, for the motion to read:  Move to have WSO upload all tri-folds in unalterable PDF, etc., forms in all available translations so members worldwide can download them for free.  

            15 aye, 4 nay, 3 abstentions   Motion to accept amendment carried.                  

                                                                                       Motion 0425152/abc

          Discussion resumed on Issue Proposal 2015-5,6,7 as amended: Move to have WSO upload all tri-folds in unalterable PDF, etc., forms in all available translations so members worldwide can download them for free.  

          11 aye, 11 nay, 3 abstentions

        Second vote called on Issue Proposal 2015-5,6,7 as amended:

          11 aye, 11 nay, 3 abstentions       Motion 0425153/abc motion failed to carry.


Ten minute break called at 11:11 a.m.

Meeting reconvened at 11:21 a.m. with announcements of lunch plans and a reminder that we still had several issues to discuss and that the prior item had taken sixty minutes and everyone urged to be mindful and respectful of the time.    

          3. Proposal 2015–8 submitted by (TX081)                                                    

                 Issue:We propose that copies of any material referenced in a ballot proposal be made available with the ballot or on the WSO website for groups to review before voting. (Exclusive of the 500 word limit.) Motion made by Al E (IG070) and 2nd as proposal stated: Move that copies of any material referenced in a ballot proposal be made available with the ballot or on the WSO website for groups to review before voting.     Discussion, vote called.

              12 aye, 7 nay, 5 abstained     Motion carried.        Motion 0425154/abc


          4. Proposal 2015-9 submitted by (IG600)

             Issue: We propose a requiring future WSO Trustees be qualified by at least one year’s active service to an Intergroup, Region, or other intermediate-level service body. If needed, this requirement may be implemented incrementally, intending to apply to all trustees by the 2025 ABC. Motion made by Charlie (TX085) and 2nd and discussed as proposal stated: Move that a requiring future WSO Trustees be qualified by at least one year’s active service to an Intergroup, Region, or other intermediate-level service body. If needed, this requirement may be implemented incrementally, intending to apply to all trustees by the 2025 ABC.

               5 aye, 18 nay, 1 abstainMotion failed.   Motion 0425155/abc

Announced arrival of additional one voting delegate: 26+1=27 voting Delegates present at the Annual Business Conference.

          5. Proposal 2015-11 submitted by (IG599)

               Issue: We propose that the ACOA website be updated to have better communication with meeting leaders when their meetings are about to be given a “yellow caution warning” signifying outdated information. Issue discussed and  no motion was brought forward to the assembly.

The meeting was adjourned for lunch 12:06 p.m.

Day 2 of the 2015 Annual Business Conference of the ACA fellowship and WSO reconvened from lunch at 12:57 p.m.   Announcements of arrival of non-voting guests and continuation of issue proposals.

          6. Proposal 2015-12 submitted by (IG602)

               Issue: We propose that ACA WSO will change the rules of printing and publishing of the translations of ACA fellowship text and Yellow Workbook so it will be allowed to print the translated books in the home countries (without limitation to one-time printing) in the case when costs of printing in the foreign country are significantly lower than printing in the US and shipping to the country of translation language. This is the case of Poland, where printing and publishing of the book is much cheaper than in USA. Of course the income from selling the translated books will still go to the purposes of ACA WSO.

             Issue discussed; issue already being investigated with various printing and fulfillment companies.  No motion was brought forward to the assembly.


          7. Proposal 2015-14, 15, 16 submitted by (HI023, HI020, HI204)

                 Issue: ACA/WSO provide Hawaii ACA Meeting Groups with the option to use USPS Media Rate Service when literature orders exceed $500.

                 Issue discussed. Being addressed. No motion was brought forward to the assembly.

            8.Proposal 2015-18 submitted by (IG530)

               Issue: The 2 Tri-folds, " 25 Questions, am I an Adult Child “, and " ACA Sponsorship: Fellow Travelers" should be provided free by download from the ACA Website.

               Motion was made, 2nd and discussed: Move to have the two tri-folds, "25 Questions, Am I an Adult Child" and "ACA Sponsorship: Fellow Travelers" be provided by WSO in unalterable PDF, etc., forms in all available translations so members worldwide can download them for free.  

                 13 aye     5 nay         6 abstain         Motion carried.                  Motion 0425156/abc


             9. Motion was made by Larry A (NY084), 2nd and discussed: Move to approve to post the "H & I Information" booklet" on the WSO Website for 90 days, for fellowship commentary, to receive and incorporate edits, and to place for sale thereafter at  price TBD.                 21 aye     2 nay     2 abstained                     Motion Carried.                      Motion 0425157/abc


             10. Motion was made by Larry A (NY084), 2nd and discussed: Move to approve to post the "Intergroup Set-Up Guidelines"on the WSO Website for 90 days, for fellowship commentary, to receive and incorporate edits, and to place for sale thereafter at  price TBD.              

               18 aye     3 nay     3 abstained             Motion Carried.                         Motion 0425158/abc


               11. Motion was made by Larry A (NY084)and 2nd:   Move to approve to post a piece of literature titled, "To the Beginner In All of Us" on the  WSO Website for 90 days, for fellowship commentary, to receive and incorporate edits, and to incorporate it into the current "Newcomers" booklet and to later have it publish as a stand-alone piece for sale thereafter at a price TBD.      Motion 425159/abc        

              This motion was discussed and a motion was made by Traci (NYIG17) to amend the motion as general consensus stated was that the current "Newcomers" booklet needs no addition.        18 aye      4 nay        3 abstained        

             The motion to amend was approved.           Motion 04251510/abc

          The amended motion reads: Move to approve to post a piece of literature titled, "To the Beginner In All of Us" on the WSO Website for 90 days, for fellowship commentary, to receive and incorporate edits, and to have it publish as a stand-alone piece for sale thereafter at a price TBD.

            23 aye   1 nay   3 abstain    Motion 425159/abc as amended, carried.


H. Short discussion/presentation of "Laundry Lists and Their Flip Sides"

I. 2016 Site Selection: A call for volunteers to host the 2016 ABC brought forward no volunteers t this time, although it was suggested there might be interest by an Intergroup in service in Canada.

I. Call for New Business   none brought forward

Break at 2:15 p.m.     Reconvened at 2:30 p.m.

J. Speaker Introduction

            Charlie H. from D.C. shared personal experience, strength and hope of the ACA fellowship. He gave basic evolution and history of the ACA program and references a Newsweek article from the 80's titled, "It Will Never Happen to Me," indicating how the dysfunctional environment (i.e., being raised in an alcoholic family) can cause lasting damage. He discussed the rise of the books on best seller lists and information available and then described the freefall of ACA ten years later. He gives encouragement and suggestions on how meetings can keep that from happening again. He suggests that with the publication of the Big Red Book, ACA is now in the phase of "Rebuild." His share was very well received among those present.

K. Closing Business Items

     1. Acknowledge Trustees rotating off WSO Board Service: Joan B., Vice Chair andTrustee, Vonnie G., MPS Chair and Trustee, Karen R., Secretary and Trustee

     2. Confirming continuing Board Members: Larry A., Chairman and Trustee, Mary Jo L.,Treasurer and Trustee, Majbrit M., Trustee, Ines Z., Trustee, Martin C., Trustee

     3. Nominate/elect new board members: none brought forward at this time

     4. Membership volunteers interested in committee service: Bonnie K-M (TX081), Greg   R (TX131), Shannon W (TX141), Traci S. (IG17Greater NY)

     5. Website demonstration by Larry A and Vonnie G

     6. Announcements

L. Adjourn

     The 2015 Annual Business Conference of the ACA fellowship and WSO was closed with the ACA Serenity Prayer at 3:58 p.m.

*  NOTE:  These minutes are humbly submitted for review by the outgoing Secretary and Trustee, Karen R; They will not be "accepted or approved" until they come before the ACA ABC assembly in 2016.  It has truly been an honor to serve.