The Finance Committee welcomes new members.  If you're interested, please send an email to [email protected]

The last line of the Profit and Loss Statement for May shows a net income $5,231.64 with a Year-To-Date figure of $40,927.32. The Distribution Center Net Income was mostly in line with recent months as book sales and expenses were similar. 

The WSO Admin Cost Center

  • There were healthy sales of the Audio Book.  The amounts for both that line and the eBook sales fluctuate depending on when we receive the income from Amazon (and Audible.) 
  • There were some reimbursement for the ABC and the total cost is expected to reach about $15,000.  Thank you again to the Lone Star Intergroup for doing such a great job!
  • We've grouped all Special Workers into one category to be more efficient. 

The Balance Sheet has one additonal line item in the Current Assets section to start setting aside funds for the PSA (Public Service Announcement) ballot item that was passed at the ABC.  And we are setting aside additional funds for the 2016 ABC because an extra day will be added. 

The Finance Committee met on June 4th. We welcomed a new member, John M.  Click here to see the minutes. We brought John up to speed about how the P&L Statement is set up, which ended up being a good exercise for Martin and me as we noted certain line items that could need some further attention.  Other items of note were discussions about Committee funding - ensuring that funds spent are appropriately categorized and that budgets are adequate; as already noted, we decided to group the Special Worker wages in the Admin section and added the PSA line to the Balance Sheet. Other items postponed until next month include the tri-fold costs discussion I mentioned last month.

If you have any questions, please email me at the email address above or through the Contact form on the website.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Jo L.

ACA WSO Treasurer and Board Member