Web Usage Highlights (from Google Analysis):
Overall August 2015 Activity was down, as compared to previous month (July 2015)

  • Overall inquirers (site visitors): 50,686 visiting the site, down 11.5% from July
  • Number of new inquirers: 31,154, down 7.9% from July
  • Inquirers using mobiles devices: 21,798, down 8.4% from July
  • Higher Overall Bounce rate (percentage of single page visitors; those who left the entry page visited at the site without further interaction with the site): 60%, up 15%
    • Note: A 60% bounce rate is still considered good by most in the industry. The concern would be the increasing trend in the bounce rate.
  • Most visited pages (after home page):
    • Lit-Laundry List, Find-a-meeting, and Lit-Problem (same top three as last month)

Historical Analysis (comparing web site prior to conversion with current activity):

Really Good News: In February 2015, web site had 3,759 sessions with 24,431 new visitors. This compares with the current 50,686 sessions and 31,154 new visitors, or a 16.6% and 27.5% growth respectively.

Not so good news: In February, the Overall Bounce Rate was only 48.8%; we’ve thus seen a substantial and growing increase in this parameter with the new site.

Problems continue with Meeting Update process. Gloria and Centauria continue to identify and resolve the problems as encountered.

Various problems reported with the Shopping Cart, primarily involving predicted shipping costs. MaryJo (Treasurer) and Centauria continue to identify and resolve problems as identified.

Web site updates needed to support the 2016 ABC Proposals and Registrations are still pending review.