Minutes from September 7th, 2019
Monthly European Committee Teleconference (EC TC) Time: 14:00 CET The meeting is hosted via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/178726055 www.acawsoec.com 

  1. Call to Order: Please be sure that any background noises in your area are eliminated since the sounds make it difficult for participants to hear. When speaking, please say your name first, and country. This will help us record your name with your input. Thank you. 

1) Open with the Serenity Prayer (in plural): 

God, grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change The courage to change the things we can, And the wisdom to know the difference 

2) Tradition of the Month (have BRB or website open): 

Tradition 9, “ACA, as such, ought never be organized, but we may create ser- vice boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.” 

  1. Roll Call of members of the European Committee: 

Present: Majbrit Chair
Absent: Charlie WSO Boardmember

  1. Introduction of Country Representatives and other Participants: Please state your name, your role locally, and in your country (go alphabetically):

    Alexia, Germany - country representative and chair of IG
    Denis, Moscow - representative of mans group in Moscow
    Lina, Lithuania - representative of local meeting
    Fredrik, Sweden - country representative (non voting today)
    Jeanette, Sweden - country representative
    Markus, Sweden - part of the planning committee
    Kadri-Liisa, Estonia - non voting participant
    Mark, Netherlands - country representative
    Mikkel, Denmark - country representative
    Pat, UK - non voting participant
    Veronica, Switzerland - country representative
    Julian, Ukraine - country representative
    Salankiev, Hungary - country representative

    10 voting representatives

    Not present:
    Marjo, Finland - applied for webmaster
    Päivi, Finland - applied for service-sponsor coordinator
    Hanna, Finland - country representative
    Charlie USA - WSO Chair
  2. Agenda: Motion to approve the Agenda Second: Fredrik, Sweden
    Decision: The agenda was approved

Are there any urgent items that need to be prioritized? 

  1. Minutes: Motion to approve EC Teleconference Minutes from July 6, 2019:
    Second: Mark, Netherlands
    Decision: The minutes were approved
  2. Chair Report: Majbrit, EC Chair & WSO Trustee, DNK
    Majbrit moved to table the report although there are a couple of groups who needs support in forms of service-sponsors. When we have our service-sponsor coordinator in place we will prioritize these requests. 
  3. Executive Committee: 

Majbrit, EC Chair & WSO Trustee, DNK; Charlie, WSO Chair, USA 

  1. Temporary Planning Committee (TPC): 

Status: a. The TPC has amended and approved the Minutes from the Strategic Plan- ning Meeting in Minsk (attached and previously posted on Slack-channel). b. Created a suggested voting procedure for the Interim EC to be approved 

(see item I.1 below). c. Have made a suggestion for an Interim Board (see item I.2 below). d. Have established a working procedure with a weekly work session, agenda, and minutes.

  1. Returning Business: These items are unfinished business from previous meetings. 
  2. Voting procedure for the Interim European Committee: 

The statement was drafted by members of the Temporary Planning Committee (TPC) and needs the approval of this body of people for group conscience, before we voted we read: “Voting on European Committee Teleconferences statement” out loud, so that everyone who had not been able to read  the document in advance would have the opportunity to hear it. Chair motioned to approve the voting procedures.
Second: Veronica, Switzerland
Decision: Motion approved.

Before moving on to the ratification process, the EC chair asked the participants, to discuss if both Päivi and Marjo from Finland could go through the election process, although they were not present. This was voted on unanimously, and the meeting approved to proceed with the election on the positions, none opposed.

2. Interim European Committee and Executive European Committee: 

  1. New members applying for the committee since last meeting?
    No new members had applied for the committee.

    b. Ratification of suggested members for the Interim EC (see Attachment 1).
    Everyone who applied for the committee did a short presentation and then the meeting voted in the following to the committee:


Fredrik, Sweden - first vice Chair
Mikkel, Denmark - second vice Chair
Veronica, Switzerland - Treasurer
Jeanette, Sweden - Secretary
Marjo, Finland - Webmaster
Markus, Sweden - vice Webmaster
Päivi, Finland - Servicesponsor coordinator
Mark, Netherlands - vice Literature

Vacant - Literature chair until such time (Majbrit)

Vacant - Vice service sponsor coordinator chair until such time (Majbrit)


  1. Scheduling the new committee’s first meeting.
    The next meeting was decided to be planned on slack so that most of us could participate with fitting time and date.

  2. New Business Anyone can write to the ACA EC at least two week in advance of the following EC Teleconference to have an item added to the agenda. The(se) item(s) will appear here: 
  3. Change the current length of the EC TC to one and a half hours?
    Motion to change ECTC from one to one and a half hours?
    Second: Fredrik, Sweden
    Discussion: There was a suggestion made that maybe we should try to keep our meetings within the hour instead of prolonging the meeting and be more efficient. On the other hand it is important that we have time to do a good job in service and that we have enough time to raise the business. Several minority opinions was raised.
    Decision: Simple majority ruled that we prolong the meeting to one hour and a half.

    I. Announcements: The Dutch/ Belgian annual event in Voeren sep 20 - 22, The Russian annual event Oct 5th in Moscow, Denis will provide information on Slack (mind you if you are interested in going and you are from outside of Russia you will need a visa). Further information please see www.acawcoec.com 

The next EC Teleconference is scheduled to October 5, 2019 at 14:00 CET the first Satur- day next month. 

  1. Motion to close the meeting? Second: Mark, Netherlands

Close with ACA Serenity Prayer: God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change The courage to change the one I can And the wisdom to know that one is me 

(From Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families (BRB), Chapter 14)