Treasurers Report for Jan 2013

Click here for details of the expenses and income.

Many of you already know that PayPal reimbursed us since Scott was able to ‘convince’ them that we are a non-profit.  The amount was $4,111.46 due in part to Scott’s persistence.  I transferred $12,000 from PayPal the last of Jan and that amount was included without my knowing it.  We also receive income from the Merchant Account about which there will be further information.

This month the expenses were lower than the income which is always a bonus for a non-profit.  The 7th tradition contribution totaled $4,419.06.  Omer used to tell us that was covering our rent.  The cost of the rent, by the way, is $1,351.91.  I am encouraged by the E-Reader report from Larry whereby the income from the sale of them is what I would call royalties or residuals since we have little expenses incurred by their sales. 

Phyllis R