Annual Business Conference,
Birkerod, Denmark
Opening: Friday, April 26, 2013

The 2013 Annual Business Conference (ABC) opened at 13:05 following a Meet and Greet.
The ACA Commitment to Service was read; The ACA Group representatives were recognized;
Scott R was elected Chair of the ABC.


Phyllis read the Traditions
The Board of Trustees was introduced: Scott R., Phyllis R., Larry A., Anja H., Joan B., Karen, Mary Jo, and Leanne.

Roll call was taken of the delegates and attendees, who were present from Denmark, Russia, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Turkey, Latvia, Poland, Italy, Hungary, U.K., Norway, and the United States

The ACA WSO Annual Report was given.

The Committee reports were given by each Committee Chair: Treasurer, Phyllis; Literature, Larry A., and Mary Jo, Meditation book; Hospitals & Institutions, Joan; Webmaster, Scott; Executive Board, Scott. Complete committee reports were handed out in the delegate packets and can be found on the website.

Various members shared information about the groups in their countries.
Friday’s session ended at 15:15.

Saturday, April 27, 2013: Opened with the Serenity Prayer

Larry motioned and Phyllis seconded the approval of the minutes of the 2012 ABC which was held in Long Beach, California. Unanimous approval.

People were invited to put their first name and email address on a list, which would be held confidential and used only by those in attendance at the ABC for future contact.

There were 34 voting delegates in attendance out of approximately 60 people in attendance.

The Proposals were discussed individually and votes taken. Please see the report by Karen for complete results. Two Proposals were left to discuss and vote on for Saturday.

A decision was made to put directions on the website to get on the monthly Teleconference by phone or Skype.

Meeting adjourned at 15:40.

Sunday, April 28, 2013: Opened with the Serenity Prayer

Russia and Finland brought materials their groups use and shared them with the attendees.

Proposals 15 and 16 were discussed and voted on. Please see Karen’s report of the ABC for details.

A committee was formed to study and decide what is allowable on Social Media. Committee members are Martin, UK; Maybrit, Denmark, Dorena, USA; Timo Y, Finland; Timo, Finland.

The Pamphlets Good Enough Group and Cross Talk were approved by the delegates to sell.

Mary Jo sought approval to not review the Meditation Book for one year by the Fellowship, which is common practice for new literature. She proposed that it be posted on the website for circulation there for 90 days, and any subsequent corrections or comments be handled, then production can begin. This was approved unanimously by the delegates.

Anja invited other Europeans to become involved with the European committee.

Liisa, Finland, stated Latvia and Finland group members are meeting May 4.

Timo Y suggested a message board to keep in contact across Europe.

New Board Members were elected: Allen from Oklahoma, USA, was nominated by Phyllis and seconded by Larry for board membership. Ayes carried, Allen elected to board.

Anja announced she is leaving the board since her two years of service are completed. She may stay on the European Connection committee.

Larry spoke briefly about Scott and Phyllis and asked them to each speak briefly. They were thanked for their many years of service to ACA WSO.

Larry clarified the qualifications for being on the board, stating that someone can be on a committee and not yet qualify for the board, as board membership qualifications are, among other things, being present on 5 of 7 Teleconference calls in a row.

Maybrit, Denmark, introduced Pippi, one of the International Speakers.

Anja, Denmark, introduced Scott R. as the second International Speaker.

Chicago, Illinois was chosen as the 2014 ABC location.

The 2013 ABC, held overseas for the first time in Denmark, was closed with the Serenity Prayer, spoken by each person in their own language, a fitting tribute to the comradery felt by all present.

Minutes of the 2013 WSO Board

The WSO Board Meeting was held following the close of the 2013 ABC, Sunday, April 28, 2013.

Karen nominated Larry A as Board Chair; Allen seconded. Unanimous approval.

Mary Jo nominated Joan B to be Vice-Chair; Karen seconded. Unanimous approval.

Leanne nominated Mary Jo to be Treasurer; Allen seconded. Unanimous approval

Joan nominated Karen to be Secretary; Leanne seconded. Unanimous approval

Committee chairs elected were:

Larry, Literature; Mary Jo nominated, Karen seconded.

            Joan, Hospitals and Institutions; Leanne nominated, Mary Jo seconded.

            Vonnie, Outreach; Leanne, nominated, Karen seconded.

            Scott R., Web/Database; Mary Jo nominated, Leanne seconded.

Maybrit was nominated by Joan to be on the European committee and Karen seconded.

Dorena is going to be on the subcommittee of Social Media which is being developed.

The 2013 WSO Board meeting following the 2013 ABC in Denmark adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Joan B, Secretary of the 2013 ABC.