The European Committee report for June 2015

We would like anyone to come join us on our Skype call every first Saturday of the month.

Next time is the 1st of August at 14:00 CET


Having our monthly Skype meeting the EC talked about budgets, how to organize, how to provide contact information once the regions is formed. Will , the European committee secretary, expressed a wish to go to Helsinki, and we discussed the business meeting planed in there and the 3 of us working F2F, It would free me to do what I’m suppose to do instead of taking minutes. 

Will is getting more and more involved and it seems natural that he join.

Please see the minutes for the EC Skype call This month.

I’ve tried to get in touch with the Finns a number of times about the European “Meeting” in late August. I got an email though stating that they would not need the original 800 euro, but 80 Euro instead for a banner. Haven got the last shipment of books at cost they might have enough money, just thinking out loud.

The Swedes are wondering about translations, mostly the booklet. The Norwegians are in touch with the Danes doing translations. Other then that I’ve been in contact with Latvia, Estonia, Germany, Holland, Turkey, Greece, and Denmark.

I order for me to do my MPS & HI I need to work out how best to do this with MJ and then make a motion for the Board. as of right now it doesn’t fly, starter kits, which are important to new meetings isn’t being sent. But I’m on it.

This was my report for this month.

PS. Most of month have been spent reading up of emails from Signal Hill, having skype meetings ect. Hope to improve my skills when going to the office.
