Treasurer's Report

The January Net Income was $23,892. In December there was a Net Income of (-$1,112) because we ran out of Laundry Lists Workbooks; orders seemed to be held back waiting for them. The January increase helped offset that loss. For the details, see the Profit and Loss Statement.  The Balance Sheet is shown here

To see a list of all 7th Tradition contributions for January, as well as previous months, click on "Treasurer's Report" in the left column to reveal the Donations tab. If you find an error, please send an email to [email protected].  Sometimes contributions are listed as Anonymous when they are actually from a group.

Finance Committee

Members: Bill D., Florida, Jeffrey F., Prague, Mary Jo, Treasurer

We met four times since the last teleconference.  Much of our first two meetings was spent reviewing WSO background and how our financials are set up. Bill and Jeffrey both bring a wealth of business and non-profit experience to WSO and they have been asking great questions. 

Some of the specific topics under discussion: recommendation for hiring a General Manager and working on a job description, Bill doing additional research for shipping methods, suggestion to set up the European Committee as a model for how such non-U.S. outreach efforts operate and are funded, pricing strategy model, selling in Europe through Amazon UK, publishing literature in other countries to save on shipping (Board has been working with Jeffrey on this for a while). 

My personal thanks to both Bill and Jeffrey for their enthusiasm and dedication to service in ACA.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Jo L.

ACA WSO Trustee and Treasurer

[email protected]