December 2014
If you are interested in helping to shape the future of ACA literature, and wish to do service from a space of love, please contact the Literature Committee by using the Contact Us link on the website.

Website Rebuild
After months and countless hours of loving and dedicated service by a host of volunteers, the Literature Committee is in countdown to launching the new web site rebuild. The “go live” target date is on or about December 31, 2014. We will start the new year with our feet firmly planted in the 21st century!
Audio BRB
After three years of loving service by dedicated volunteers, the literature committee is also in countdown to offering the audio version of the Fellowship Text (a-BRB). The final, digitally tagged product is now in review. We anticipate a distribution target date of December 24, 2014. 
Sales for September were 221 e-books sold.  All tolled, we have sold 6,126 e-BRBs.
Multilingual Translations
•Global interest in translated materials has increased exponentially over the past six months, with our most recent contributions coming from adult children in Greece and Lithuania. 
•The entire BRB translated into Castilian Spanish has been received from Spaniards  The North American Spanish Translation Group is steadily making progress in producing a Universal Spanish BRB.
Intergroup Guidelines 
We have received and reviewed a draft of Intergroup Guidelines. Since this material is more appropriate for outreach, we are passing it on to be vetted by the Member and Public Services (MPS) intergroup subcommittee. 
We have a revived interest in the ComLine, and will be hosting an organizational meeting the second week in January. We plan to relaunch this cherished publication quarterly. The focus of the relaunched (April) edition that will be on STEPS/TRADITIONS 4 through 6, and any other ACA recovery related topics. We would especially like to include foreign language shares from our translation groups. Submissions deadline is March 1. 
Fuller Picture - 4x4 - Affects/Effects Book Review
The Laundry List: A fuller picture of the effects and the affects of being raised in an alcoholic or dysfunctional family is on the website for membership review and commentary through February 2015. Production will commence on or about March 1. 
Basic Five and Six Essential Tasks
The Basic Five and Six Essential Tasks approved at the 2014 ABC is ready for pre-production. We are seeking volunteers able to write on this subject.
Workbook / Ready, Set, Go / Canadian Step Study
Delegates at the 2013 ABC suggested that the workbook needed some additional guidelines. There was also an approved proposal to add more questions and exercises to the workbook Steps 6 through 12. A Chicago group developed Ready, Set, Go, a message of groups working the steps, and a Canada group simultaneously developed a similar group study format. These methodologies will be evaluated for inclusion as guidelines for using the workbook. In addition, enhancement of Steps 6 through 12 will be done concurrently with this evaluation. 
From a space of love, I give service in ACA so that every Adult Child seeking recovery may find a safe place.

Sincerely yours in service,

Larry A., Literature Chair, ACA WSO Trustee

Ines, Z., ACA WSO Trustee, Spanish Translation and Group Liaison

Allen C., ACA WSO Trustee, Translations

Robin R., Staff, Literature Committee Production Assistant

Committee Members

John M., Intergroup Set Up Guidelines Trusted Servant
Karen A., Proofreader
Linda W. Contributor
Bonnie G., ComLine
Bob B., Copyrights Coordinator

Translation Volunteers

Anna J., Polish Translation Contributor/Polish Fellowship, UK

Christine B., German Translation Contributor, Germany

Henry G., Finnish Translation Contributor

Hiroko I., Japanese Translation Contributor, Japan

Ines Z, Spanish Translation Contributor, USA

Jesper P., Danish Translation Contributor

Keiko D., Japanese Translation Contributor, Japan

On-Going Translation Groups















