The Balance Sheet for August is essentially unchanged from previous months, except for the $20,056 increase in Current Assets that is explained on the P&L Statement.  Much of the funds listed in the Savings section are committed to future expenditures, including some more immediate expenditures for translations. 

The Finance Committee is also working on revising the amount of Prudent Reserve and will have information in the near future on that.

The P&L Statement (Profit and Loss) reflects some issues the Distribution Center has had with getting an accurate inventory - see the line called Shrinkage that shows a positive figure of $2,000+.  This means we have an overage of that amount.  However, if you look at the YTD, you'll see that the amount is only $213.  What all of this means is that we were short in previous months and we found the shortage and now are close to even.  So we're getting better.  But if you or anyone you know is an inventory control specialist, please contact me - we could use some advice. 

7th Tradition contributions for August are listed in the tab under Treasurer's Report.  Thank you to all groups and individuals who are able to contribute according to the guidelines in the BRB.  Please contact me if there are any errors on the list.

The Finance Committee, Martin C., John M., and myself, have been working on a comparison spreadsheet that covers the past two years.  The plan is that this will be an additional tool to help the Board do better strategic planning. 

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Jo L.

Treasurer and WSO Trustee