TREASURER’S REPORT: The 7th Tradition Contributions for April totaled $4,822. The list of these contributions is shown on the Donations sub-tab under Treasurer’s Report. 

The Profit and Loss Statement (P&L) reflects the new format I mentioned last month for the Distribution Center (DC) cost center – that we can see Gross Sales at a glance, followed by the direct expenses of Cost of Goods Sold. Gross sales for April were $45,269, which is the sum of Total Sales ($38,692) and Total Intergroup Discount Sales ($6,577).

In our second cost center, which is called World Service Organization, as of the end of April not all numbers have been reconciled for the ABC/AWC. So these figures are incomplete, which is normal with such a large event. I will be able to report final figures in June. This has been quite a feat to reconcile and I want to thank the Florida Host Committee, specifically Bill D. and Lucia along with Gloria from our staff.

The overall Net Income for April was $7,800 ($13,035 from the DC and ($5,235) from WSO.)  The Balance Sheet is also available as well as the Piecharts that depict income and expenses.


FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT: Members Bill D., Jeffrey F., Mary Jo L.

While Bill has spent a great deal of his time working with reconciliation of ABC/AWC finances, through the efforts of Jeffrey we now have a new shipping partner for international orders at a substantially less expensive rate. Once again the value of fresh eyes on a situation proves to be very important. He has also suggested some clarifying language for the website page for 7th Tradition Contributions.

The committee has been working on the 2015 Budget vs. Actual figures and will begin to work on the 2016 Budget as soon as that is complete. We will also be working gaining more accurate information about the “out the door” cost per order.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Jo L.

ACA WSO Treasurer