2020 ABC/AWC News
Annual Business Conference - April 23 & 24, 2020
ACA World Convention - April 24 (evening), 25 & 26, 2020
The 2020 ABC/AWC will be held at the Renaissance Hotel in Boca Raton, Florida. More information, including registration, will be coming soon to the Convention Website.
2020 AWC Workshops
Are you interested in leading a workshop at the 2020 AWC? More information can be found at 2020 AWC Workshop Application.
ABC Call for Ballot Proposals
The Call for Proposals for the 2020 ABC was sent to all groups on August 1st. If your group did not receive this information, please send an email to [email protected] - and it's also available on the service website for the Ballot Prep Committee.
WSO News
Addressing Predatory Behavior Working Group
The APB working group is hosting a third fellowship wide Town Hall Call on September 21, from 12:30 pm to 2 pm EDT to present final draft of the Addressing Predatory Behavior Tent Card. Please see the APB Safety Card page for more details.
Service Network Committee
The next Concept Study Town Hall is scheduled for Sunday, September 15, at 10:30 am EDT, via ZOOM. Lead share on Concept 1, followed by sharing in round robin format. The objective of this concept study is to study the 12 Concepts of ACA Service and share Experience, Strength, and Hope about their application at all levels of ACA Service.
To join this meeting: https://zoom.us/j/283490458; Meeting ID: 283 490 458; find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ac3j5Blsoa
Nominating Committee News
Service Positions on the Committee
The ACA Nominating Committee offers a unique new opportunity for ACA service. Become part of the team that is defining, implementing and sustaining a new process for selecting WSO trusted servants. We are accepting applications for two additional committee members: one from outside the USA and Canada; one with 2-3 years of ACA recovery. See the Nominating Committee page for more information and how to apply. If you're not ready yet, this information will give you the path to follow for future service in this committee.
Now Accepting Applications for New ACA WSO Trustee Positions
The Nominating Committee is now starting the selection process to fill two Trustee positions in 2020. Applications are due by November 22, 2019. The Committee will present nominations to the WSO Board in February 2020.
Do you have what it takes to serve as an ACA WSO Trustee? Do you have a compelling desire to make a difference in our fellowship at the global level? Do you think you can represent a segment of our fellowship that is underrepresented in the WSO? If you answered, "maybe" or "yes" to any of these questions, check out the “Trustee Guidelines and Application” and apply! If you are not yet eligible, these guidelines will give you a clear path to get there. More information can be found on the Nominating Committee page.
Website/Database Committee News
Previous ABC-AWCs
The ACA World Convention site now has links to speakers and workshops, as well as pictures from previous ABC/AWCs.
Annual Intergroup Updates
WSO asks that Intergroups review/verify their records at least once a year by submitting an updated registration form. There is a step-by-step Intergroup Update page to help.
Service Spotlight
Carrying the ACA Message to South Korea
I was visiting South Korea last June while on vacation and offered to be of service to our ACA fellowship. This was the first of many overseas trips working with Sue V, Toronto, CA, on the Global Members Sub-committee, and with David McB in PI, USA, WSO Board Trustee & Public Outreach. I’m grateful to them both, and to the WSO office staff, who packed and mailed the books to me, and sent trifolds colored copies to distribute.
Featured Meetings and Events
Fall Recovery Weekend - Intimacy: Love, Lust or Pity
September 6 - 8th -- Bloomingdale, NJ
Event Flyer
PlayDate on Governor's Island
Sunday, September 8th -- 11:30 to 3:30pm -- Governor's Island, NY
Event Flyer
2nd Annual ACA Montana Retreat
September 13-15th -- Lakeside, MT
Event Flyer
34th Annual Fall Beach Retreat
September 20 - 22nd -- Ft Caswell, NC
Event Flyer
31st Annual Fall Mountain Retreat
September 20 - 22nd -- San Bernardino Mountains, CA
Event Flyer
2020 Annual Business Conference (ABC) & ACA World Convention (AWC)
April 23 - 26, 2020 -- Boca Raton, FL
Event Website
See More Events
Submit Your Event
Meetings - ACA WSO maintains a World Meeting List of registered ACA meetings that take place in person, over the phone or online, which is updated monthly. Visit the Find a Meeting page on adultchildren.org to search for a meeting, or for more detail on specific meeting types, visit the Meeting, Phone, Skype and Internet meeting information pages.
WSO Board of Trustees Teleconference
The ACA WSO Board holds its monthly teleconference meeting on the second Saturday, of each month, using Zoom, at 2pm Eastern Time. For more information, including agendas, previous minutes, the Zoom meeting ID, and telephone access numbers, please visit the ACAWSO.ORG website.
Twelve Concepts of Service - Concept #9
"Good service leaders, together with sound and appropriate methods of choosing them, are, at all levels, indispensable for our future functioning and safety. ..." You can find the 12 Concepts of Service here.
7th Tradition
ACA WSO is grateful for your contributions that help us do that vital work. Check out our flyer titled "Where the Money Goes" to see how we utilize your contributions to carry the ACA message around the world. Please consider making a monetary contribution to help the next ACA receive the gift of recovery. Contributions can be made online, by calling at 562-595-7831, or by mail payable to ACA WSO, 1458 E 33rd Street, Signal Hill, CA 90755.
Traveler Submissions
The Traveler Newsletter is an email publication, scheduled to be released at the beginning of each month, which highlights ACA service news and events. If your service committee, intergroup, region, or group would like to submit news to The Traveler, please visit The Traveler page for more details.
Daily Meditation Emails
ACA WSO also publishes a daily email with the Meditation of the Day from the book "Strengthening My Recovery". You can sign up to receive the meditation email here. You will need to sign up for this separately from The Traveler Newsletter email.
About Adult Children of Alcoholics
ACA is a worldwide 12 Step / 12 Tradition program of recovery dedicated to people who were raised in dysfunctional families. ACA does not seek to assign blame to parents or caretakers, but we seek to understand the reality of how family dysfunctions affected us as children and still affects our adult behavior today.
Family dysfunction can include alcoholism, abandonment, neglect, or any type of addiction or abuse. ACA is synonymous with ACoA & Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families.
For more information visit: www.adultchildren.org