Happy Birthday ACA!!
Saturday January 25, 2020
The 2014 ABC passed motion abc_2014_23, making the last Saturday of the month of January a day for our World Organization to celebrate the beginning of the program that is helping us to find freedom from dysfunction. Please celebrate with us at your meetings around this date!
2020 ABC/AWC News
Registration is NOW Open!!
Annual Business Conference - April 23 & 24, 2020
ACA World Convention - April 24 (evening), 25 & 26, 2020
The 2020 ABC/AWC will be held at the Renaissance Marriott in Boca Raton, Florida. You can register for the convention, book a room and purchase meals from the Convention Website. The prices for meals and registration will increase as we get closer to the convention. Registering early will not only save you money, but will also help WSO and the Local Host Committee out tremendously with the planning process. We can't wait to see you in Boca Raton!
It's Almost Time to Vote on the 2020 ABC Ballot Proposals
On January 15th, meetings, Intergroups, and Regions worldwide will be sent a mailing with information about the ABC Ballot. This is your group's opportunity to vote on whether or not you believe the submitted Proposals that will be included merit discussion at the upcoming Annual Business Conference. More information will also be available at that time on the ABC Ballot Prep Committee page of the acawso.org website. Any questions may be emailed to [email protected].
Each Meeting and Intergroup Designates a Delegate
All Delegates, whether in attendance or remote, must register first at acaworldconvention.org.
The business of the WSO is conducted at the ABC primarily by the Delegates, who are chosen by their group to be their representative. Some information about becoming a Delegate – the role and responsibilities – may be found on the Delegate Training Page. This page will be updated periodically, so refer back, as needed.
ABC Offers Remote Voting
Prior to the 2019 ABC, the only Delegates who were able to participate and vote at the Annual Business Conference were those who could afford the time and expense of physically attending. Once again, this April, Delegates directly representing a meeting or Intergroup will be able to have a voice, and a vote, on the matters brought before the conference.
Trainings, and opportunities for questions and answers, will be available in the weeks leading up to the ABC. As mentioned above, all delegates may find pertinent information on the Delegate Training Page.
WSO News
The Concept Study Group will be meeting on Sunday, January 19 (3rd Sunday of the month) at 10:30 am EST via ZOOM; the discussion will be on Concept V. To join this meeting online, please go to https://zoom.us/j/283490458; Meeting ID: 283 490 458; to find your local call-in number by location, go to https://zoom.us/u/ac3j5Blsoa.
Delegate Training Subcommittee
We're developing Tradition skits. We currently have some audio only versions and would like to add animation. If you have skills with animation and would be willing to offer service with the skits, please send an email to [email protected].
WSO Information Technology
We're asking each group, intergroup and region to verify/update their contact information.
Public Contact: Name, phone number and/or email will be shown on the website. We ask that public email addresses be generic (i.e. no last names) in keeping with Tradition 11.
Primary and Secondary Contacts: These names and contact information are used only to conduct WSO business. This may include sending emails individually or to all contacts via MailChimp (our email distribution platform).
Details on how to update/verify group information can be found at the following links: Update a Meeting or Update an Intergroup. If further help is needed, please send an email to [email protected].
Intergroups Needs Assessment Survey - Please submit by Jan 15th
The Member Services Intergroups Subcommittee developed this survey to help them better support ACA Intergroups. Responses will give the IGSC valuable data about what is important to Intergroups, how best to meet the needs of Intergroups in order to help them Carry the Message. Please take the time to review the questions with your Intergroup members. We would like to receive all replies by January 15, 2020. More details can be found on the Intergroups Subcommittee page on the Service Website.
Literature Committee
Volunteer Request: Team to Review Spirituality in Literature
If you would like to help shape how ACA discusses spirituality, please join us. The purpose of the group is to review existing ACA literature and consider alternative ways to discuss ACA’s spiritual dimension that are inclusive of all religious traditions, including those who are agnostic or atheists. Based on the group’s study, recommendations will be made to the Literature Committee for possible changes to ACA literature. For information, please send an email to [email protected], or contact the meeting facilitator, Lou B., via Slack.
Call for Shares: Loving Parent Guidebook - Please submit by Jan 15th
This book, with explanation and exercises, will help readers better understand and experience the process of reparenting—giving love, nurturing and healthy guidance to our inner children. Your voices will help reflect the rich range of reparenting styles and experiences and make the guidebook more personal and accessible. For more information, please see the Loving Parent Guidebook page on the service website.
Resource Spotlight
(also known as the Repository)
Recovery Events
Want to attend an ACA retreat or workshop? Or, is your group, Intergroup or Region hosting an event? The Events Calendar is a great place to look! Events are listed by month and many include flyers with more details. The Traveler usually lists events for the current month. Future months can be viewed on the site.
Tradition Skits
The Delegate Training Subcommittee is developing skits for the Traditions. Traditions 1-3 have already been published. You can access these on the Traditions Skits page.
WSO Committees
WSO is not just the Board of Trustees, but many volunteers from around the fellowship doing their part to support the needs of the ACA Fellowship as well as those adult children who still suffer. As you can see, by looking at the Service Website there are many active committees. More information about each committee can be found on that particular committee's page. You can visit the Committees Calendar to see when committees meet.
Best Practices (Member's Toolbox)
This is where registered groups, intergroups and regions can share what works for them. "Workplace Laundry List Exercise", "Group Inventory", and "Coming to a Consensus in a Group Conscience" are just some of the offerings made by groups around the Fellowship. You can find more information on Best Practices here.
Literature in Development
How is new literature developed in ACA? What's currently being developed? The Literature Committee issues reports on the status of new literature monthly. These pages on the service website detail upcoming and ongoing projects, as well as volunteer and share requests.
Whether you're interested in doing service at the WSO level or just staying informed, we encourage you to visit the site.
Featured Meetings and Events
Ready, Set, Go!! - 6 Weeks - Telephone Meetings
Beginning Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at 2pm Eastern Time
Event Flyer
Quarterly Speaker Meeting - Greater East Bay ACA Intergroup
Saturday, January 11 -- 6pm til 7:30pm -- Concord, CA
Event Flyer
Workshop - Power of Reparenting
January 26th -- 1:30pm to 4:30pm -- Cambridge, MA
View this Event
2020 Annual Business Conference (ABC) & ACA World Convention (AWC)
April 23 - 26, 2020 -- Boca Raton, FL
Event Website
See More Events
Submit Your Event
Meetings - ACA WSO maintains a World Meeting List of registered ACA meetings that take place in person, over the phone or online, which is updated monthly. Visit the Find a Meeting page on adultchildren.org to search for a meeting, or for more detail on specific meeting types, visit the Meeting, Phone, and Online meeting information pages.
WSO Board of Trustees Teleconference
The ACA WSO Board holds its monthly teleconference meeting on the second Saturday, of each month, using Zoom, at 2pm Eastern Time. For more information, including agendas, previous minutes, the Zoom meeting ID, and telephone access numbers, please visit the ACAWSO.ORG website.
Twelve Concepts of Service - Concept #1
"The final responsibility and the ultimate authority for ACA World Services should always reside in the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship." You can find the 12 Concepts of Service here.
7th Tradition
ACA WSO is grateful for your contributions that help us do that vital work. Check out our flyer titled "Where the Money Goes" to see how we utilize your contributions to carry the ACA message around the world. Please consider making a monetary contribution to help the next ACA receive the gift of recovery. Contributions can be made online, by calling at 562-595-7831, or by mail payable to ACA WSO, 1458 E 33rd Street, Signal Hill, CA 90755.
ComLINE - Adult Children Sharing Experience, Strength, and Hope
The ComLINE is a quarterly publication from ACA WSO where members from throughout the fellowship share their experience, strength, and hope on the 12 Steps, Traditions and Promises. View current and back issues here.
Daily Meditation Emails
ACA WSO also publishes a daily email with the Meditation of the Day from the book "Strengthening My Recovery". You can sign up to receive the meditation email here. You will need to sign up for this separately from The Traveler Newsletter email.
Traveler Submissions
The Traveler Newsletter is an email publication, scheduled to be released at the beginning of each month, which highlights ACA service news and events. If your service committee, intergroup, region, or group would like to submit news to The Traveler, please visit The Traveler page for more details.
About Adult Children of Alcoholics
ACA is a worldwide 12 Step / 12 Tradition program of recovery dedicated to people who were raised in dysfunctional families. ACA does not seek to assign blame to parents or caretakers, but we seek to understand the reality of how family dysfunctions affected us as children and still affects our adult behavior today.
Family dysfunction can include alcoholism, abandonment, neglect, or any type of addiction or abuse. ACA is synonymous with ACoA & Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families.
For more information visit: www.adultchildren.org