The EC is still in the process of transitioning the task to the new team. New procedures are created, meetings held to discuss, what the EC might become once I rotate out in a few month. Emails of information are sent out to the IG's in Europe.

The Spanish IG asked for support in reviewing the Panamanian traditions of LLWB and SMR.

Ukraine are negotiating a license agreement to print the Russian BRB. Norway was provided with a service sponsor in their efforts to start up their translation process again.

We also provided a regular sponsor of step-work by reaching out to our fellowship

The WSO is finalizing the committee budgets for 2020. The board is reviewing them as we speak and we expect to have them on our next call.

The ballot proposals has been analyzed by the board and will be sent back to the fellowship for voting it to the agenda (ABC in Florida) on January 15.

An invitation of interest for co-host the annual EC event has been sent out to all the IG s in Europe, we expect a submission of interest no later than February 15.

The election of officers/trusted servants for the first term after the Interim has been postponed until next EC TC February 1. A note will be sent out early next week with an updated list of vacant positions for voting February 1st 2020

The yearly European committee report is in the making. Each year we provide a report of progress for the ABC as part of the binders used by the delegates. The binder can be downloaded in mid April before the ABC.
The yearly report can also be read at the repository.

Respectfully submitted

Majbrit M