EC working Session February 26, 2020

European Committee Working Session (EC TC)

Time: 20:15 CET

  1. Fredrik begins the meeting with the Serenity Prayer
  1. Members of the Interim European Committee

Present: Majbrit Chair Emeritus, Fredrik Chair, Markus Vice-Webmaster, Hasse, Marjo, Marc, Hasse, Veronika,
Markus, Mikkel Second Vice-Chair

  1. Approval of minutes from our last meeting February 19, 2020

Motion: Postpone approval until the next meeting.

Second: Marjo

Decision: Motion approved.

  1. Tabled business: 
    1. Service Sponsor Coordinator: Majbrit has spoken to Silvia. She is interested, but would like to speak in Spanish with Veronika to go over the document with the job description.
    1. Mail Chimp mailing: Majbrit did not get the text written and sent to Marjo. She will do this while this meeting is going on so it can be approved and sent. Mario will publish ASAP.
  1. New Business: Anyone can write to the secretary at least 3 days in advance of the following EC Teleconference to have an item added to the agenda. The(se) item(s) will appear here:
    1. Election of EC Officers on March 7, 2020
  • Service Sponsor Coordinator: Silvia (Spain) is very interested. We will know for sure after her talk with Veronika. We also need her credentials.
  • Literature Chair: Hasse (Denmark)
  • Literature Vice-Chair: Marc (Netherlands)
  • Secretary: Fredrik is hoping to talk with the retiring secretary of the Swedish IG to see if she is interested. 

The list of those who are offering their service for this election needs to be sent out to the IG’s. Majbrit and Fredrik will write an announcement to send out.

Even if we have only one person for each position, an election allows the members-at-large to offer their support for those willing to do service. If someone comes forth at that meeting that is also interested, then we would need to check their credentials and have a choice. 

      1. Annual Report Status.

Majbrit needs numbers from WSO in order to complete the report, and has not yet received any that are usable. Charlie has been enlisted for help. Reports are to be kept as short as possible. The 7th Tradition donation was discussed with Charlie. He said we should make a special post for all the contributions that came in during last year’s ABC/AWC.  Around $5,000.00 was turned in. Our total donations including that amount is about $2,000 more than the year before. We need to track year to year to show growth.

      1. 7th Tradition Donations

It would be good to have a link on the website that tells the fellowship how to correctly make donations to WSO. It is important that WSO know the donations are coming from Europe so they can be recorded as such. Some have been indicating where the donation is from in the comment boxes. However, if the donation is made from the EC website, the URL will be recorded with payment and it will tell WSO that the donation is from Europe. It would also be nice to write, “Please use donations for growth in Europe.”

The current suggested formula for donating is 60-30-10

  • 60% for Meetings
  • 30% for the Intergroup
  • 10% for WSO

The link to the donation site should be listed in every message we send out. This has been done in the USA and donations are up. A mailing about how the 7th Tradition works in Europe could be sent out and the link could be added there as well. Bill D. has already created a sheet that shows how the 7th Tradition works. Veronika will be talking to him next week. She can ask him about the document he made in Toronto. 

European Literature is bringing quite a bit of money in. It would be nice to see a larger portion of this money stay in Europe. It seems possible that mainland Europe could print as England is currently doing. Fredrik will support countries that want to create their own web shop. This has been done in Sweden and is working well. The literature discussion needs to be done separately from the 7th Tradition.

    1. Annual European Meeting

There is a meeting on February 27 at 18:30 CET with the Greek IG to discuss details about the event. Talk, Trust, Feel will be the theme. Majbrit, Fredrik, Hasse, Veronika will be at the meeting. Fredrik will send out the Zoom link. There are two possible dates: September 18-20 or September 25-27. This is the first ever event in Greece. We are going to a two-day meeting because the strategic planning meeting is necessary, and it is really important to meet with the fellowship. Both cannot happen in one day. 

Alexia found a printer in Greece that does print on demand. If the Board approves it, we will order some of the new books and send them to Athens on consignment. We would probably print 50 of each. Those in Greece can always order more on demand. The Meditation book is laid out and ready to go. Majbrit is not sure if the BRB has been through layout yet. 

Majbrit asks that no details of this literature arrangement be discussed at tomorrow’s meeting with the Greek IG. The Board will not discuss it until Thursday, and they must make their decision about this before we involve the Greek IG. 

  1. Time of Working Meetings

Some members of the committee would like to meet earlier.

Motion: Change meeting time from 20:15 CET to 20:00 CET

Second: Veronika

Decision: Motion approved.

  1. Next meeting: March 10, 2020 at 20:00 CET on Zoom
  1. Fredrik closed the meeting with ACA Serenity Prayer:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change

The courage to change the one I can

And the wisdom to know that one is me. 

~From Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families (BRB) Chapter 14