Category: Working Sessions

We have openings on our 2024 audit committee for 2 new members.  Our committee provides oversight of the ACA 3rd party annual financial audit in compliance with the Laws of the State of California and the ACA OPPM guidelines.  Please contact us through the audit chair gmail account at [email protected]

Board Working Meeting Minutes

Board Working Meeting: May 28, 2015 Meditation from Tradition Two read. Roll Call: Ines, Mary Jo, Majbrit, Martin, Larry. Quorum present. Larry volunteered to chair meeting.   Item 1: Ines impartial inquiry update: Rec’d...

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February 2014 ABC Report

2014 ABC Committee Report: February 2014Two members of the West Great Lakes Intergroup ABC Committee met with Joan, the Board liaison, via a teleconference call on February 3rd.Discussion topics were of food plans, needing...

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Working Board Meeting Minutes

ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS WORLD SERVICE ORGANIZATION (ACA WSO)Working Board Meeting Minutes May 30, 2013; 7:00 P.M. - 8:40 P.M. EDT Meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m. and opened with the Serenity Prayer. Board members...

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WSO Committees

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