ACA members accepting the call of service work provide the energy we need to do the good work of ACA around the globe. If you are interested and wish to do service from a space of love, please contact the European Committee by using the Contact Us link on the website.

This month has been very quiet. Well, let me rephrase that I finally court up with the heavy load of emails from my GO Daddy account [email protected] 127 emails to go through, this goes to show that there is always work looking for you. But I’m proud to say that I’m done.


I’ve connected a polish member who’s moving to Hungary to the rep. from the Hungarian Intergroup because she was looking to continue her recovery in her new country. I’ve sent two requests for starter kits one in Switzerland the other one to the northrn Norway. This month I’ve connecting dots all over EU. I've been in contact with Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Polen Hungary, Germany, Switzerland, Holland, France, Serbia, Italy, Greece, U.K., Scotland and Denmark.

I’ve send out information to all my contacts that we are in the process of getting a monthly teleconference. Al in al I’ve sent out more than 250 emails, apologizing for not having answered them in due time, everybody have been very understanding and forthcoming. I’m starting to get many positive responses from members that wants to have information thanking for support they are getting. I’m humble and happy to serve.

I've sent out more than 80 emails to people who joined the Riga-convention and to groups who are not Intergroups saying that, on this point in time I’d like to invite them to join the European committee (EC) or select a person to have contact with the European committee to help us getting to know how ACA works for them in their country and what we can do for them.

Two members came forward Denis from Russia, who kindly offered his assistance as a member for the EC, this made me very happy because that means we can reach the whole Russian, eastern fellowship because most of the Baltic states speak Russian. The other member is Will from Munich in Germany (He is american but speaks german), Him and I had a long talk a few days ago about Europe and our issues towards supporting/sponsoring new groups and getting them a good foundation in our program. He has agreed  to be the secretary for the European teleconference. It makes me wanna jump. I so excited. We now have 3 - 5 members of the European Committee, Martin C whom I work with supporting inter groups, Ray that wants to help with the mechanics and me, this makes 5 that means that we can really work towards the goal we made in Nashville getting our first European teleconference. And supporting the meetings that might be out there who doesn’t know they don’t have to be alone in this. Working the Go Daddy work place makes it possible to do templates and other things that’s easier than gmail. I’m still learning

this was my report for this month


Majbrit M