The financial information for March is included in the Balance Sheet and the Profit & Loss Statement. The Net Income from March is $11,433. 

There have been additional expenses since the launch of the website, including normal fixes and some things that were unexpected.  This is fairly common for new websites, especially those of this magnitude.

We have hired a special worker, Denise, for MPS and purchased a laptop for her use.  Her training with Vonnie, our MPS Committee Chair, began this week. 

An email was sent to meetings in the Greater Los Angeles area to find a Financial Assistant to work with me and the Finance Committee.  This person will work at the Signal Hill Distribution Center.

Planned expenses for the month of April will include the Annual Business Conference in Austin, Texas.  We have already budgeted for this expense. 

The Finance Committee, Martin and I, have met to work on the financials for the ABC as well as refining the budget. 

If there are any questions about WSO finances, please contact me at [email protected].

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Jo L., Treasurer and Board Trustee