Monthly EC Skype Meeting

Saturday, August 1, 2015

14:00 p.m. CET

Skype access information: The meeting will be held under the Skype name acaeurope. If you would like to take part in the meeting, please contact acaeurope 5-10 minutes before the meeting starts.

Please notify the secretary at [email protected] with changes, additions, or motions for this meeting.

A. Call to Order:  Please be sure that any background noises in your area are eliminated since the sounds make it difficult for participants to hear.  When speaking, please say your name first. This will help us record your name with your input.  Thank you.

1)  Open with the Serenity Prayer

2)  Tradition Eight:  Adult Children of Alcoholics should remain forever nonprofessional, but our service centers may employ special workers.

B.  Roll Call of European Countries:  Majbrit, Denmark, WSO European Chair;

                                                              Will, Germany, WSO European Committee Secretary;

                                                               Martin, UK, WSO Trustee;

                                                               Raymond, ACA UK Chair.

C.  Establish Quorum

D.  EC Members Reports: I will ask each European Country Representative to introduce themselves and tell us briefly how the groups I your country are doing. I will start, ….

E. Guests Introductions: Guests, at this point we would like to invite all of our guests to introduce themselves by first name only and perhaps telling us which country you are calling from. Guests, please introduce yourselves:


After the introductions/reports: We respectfully ask that guests hold their comments until the end of our meeting.  Only European Committeerepresentatives (you may want to relax this rule at the beginning) may talk while we have discussions. We ask everyone to mute their Skype if you are not speaking.  If someone needs to talk further, they may do so after the close of the meeting.

E. Minutes: Motion to approve the July 4, 2015 Teleconference Minutes (Will)  (needs a second)

F. Committee Reports: I will ask the Committee Chairperson to give their reports. (5 minutes each). If no one is serving in these roles, you can note this on the record that you have “no trusted servant and no report.”

  1. EC Chair, Majbrit
  2. EC Treasurer,
  3. EC Secretary, Will
  4. EC Literature Committee,                    
  5. EC Members and Public Service Committee,
  6. EC Hospitals & Institutions Committee,
  7. EC Intergroup Liaison Committee,
  8. EC Website/Database Committee,
  9. EC 2015 ABC Committee,

G.  Old Business: 

  1. Establishing a Region
  2. Committee finances
  3. European Meeting in Helsinki
  4. Shipping ACA literature
  5. How to most effectively contact an Intergroup to inform them on how to set up a region OR, call into the European meeting.

H.  New Business:

Guest Comments:  To allow that all of our guests have a chance to share, we will limit guest comments to 3-5 minutes.  If someone needs to talk further, they may do so after the close of the meeting. 

Announcements:  The next EC Skype Meeting is scheduled for August 1, 2015 at 14:00 p.m. CET.

Is there a motion and 2nd to adjourn the meeting?

Close with the Serenity Prayer