Members and Public Services Committee

Meeting Minutes July 19, 2017

The regular meeting of the Members and Public Services Committee Teleconference was called to order at 11:00 a.m. PDT on July 19, 2017 on 712-770-4700 by Carole C., Vice Chair MPS.

Members Present

Coleen - WA, Neil – S FL, Terry – TN, Ameenah - Central Valley CA, Sharon – MO, David – FL, Pam – Orange County CA

Approval of Minutes

The June Minutes approved unanimously

Sub-Committee Reports:

Public Information – Had an impromptu working group call last week to discuss the technical aspects of developing and distributing the Public Service Announcement (PSA). Bill D., Patrick B., and Taylor G. discussed industry standard lengths and distribution. Conceptual ideas for the PSA were discussed as well. We will discuss action from this committee on PSA in the PSA Message later in this agenda under Old Business.

Member Outreach – Patrick B., CA – The Traveler banner is under design and the inaugural issue is being prepared. We are waiting for the ComLine to go out before sending out the Traveler. The ComLine was due out in Early July was last we heard.

Virtual/Telephone Meetings – David McB., FL – Reaching out to phone, internet, Skype. Finding organizational dysfunction, such as the meeting information on the listing can be changed by other than the meeting leader or contact and meetings may lose a leader but continue with no one overseeing them. Sending out an email blast to all the meetings to try to get the listing in better shape.

Regions – Carole C., Region 2 Trustee – Regions statement is on the website. Now we need a place on there for registering regions. I believe the formation of Region 2 has jumpstarted other areas to begin forming regions, which is good for ACAs continuing growth and health. I have added a short report below on Region 2’s activities and short-term goals.

Region 2 is working to get our Bylaws completed, our legal documents filled out, and our bank account set up. Summertime has been a little slow and attendance has been low. We are gearing up now to get our organization and structure set before the end of the year. Once we are done with the paperwork, we will be legal and can start organizing events. We are, meanwhile, keeping in touch with our area and reaching out to lone meetings and intergroups that have yet to attend our teleconferences, letting them know we are here to help them with any issues or questions they may have. In addition, I will give a description of Region 2 to the Service Structure Teleconference.

Old Business:

  • MPS Structure: A preliminary MPS Committee organization chart was posted on MPS Committee Slack Channel on June 27th and pinned for ease of access in the Channel Details area. This needed committee approval or any suggested revisions. Chair asked for a Motion.

Motion by David. 2nd by Neil: Approve the MPS Committee organization chart. No discussion. Motion passed unanimously

  • PSA message: Last week, Bill D. and Patrick B. had a preliminary discussion about PSA with industry professionals, and we suggest starting with :15 and :30 second radio spots to begin getting the message out. We want the message to drive people to a landing page on the WSO website (or the home page, if it can be reworked), so new people can readily see where to go to learn more about ACA and find meetings. Content and budget were discussed. It was felt that the budget would have to be enough to produce a professional quality spot and, of course, cannot be donated to ACA by outside entities. The three main themes that evolved from the discussion were: 1) Make people aware ACA exists and how to find it. 2) Who it can help. 3) Show the difference between ACA and other recovery groups. Chair asked for a Motion to endorse the above concepts and send them to the Board.

Motion by David and 2nd by Coleen: Accept the concepts “1) Make people aware ACA exists and how to find it. 2) Who it can help. 3) Show the difference between ACA and other recovery groups,” and sent them to the Board. No discussion. Motion Passed unanimously.

  • Web Site Changes:
    • The “Events” website page link was added to the “News” menu on the ACA website as we discussed at our last meeting.
    • Event Flyers – ACA Events are in a main side menu item under “ACA Information” on the Repository home page. Submenu tabs are under MPS – Changes were made as shown in an insert on the Agenda, which I have replicated below:
  • Member & Public Service Committee

     MPS Statistics

Hospitals & Institutions (H&I)

Public Information



The Traveler Newsletter

Africa Outreach

Virtual/telephone Meetings

New Business

  • MPS Budget for 2018 will have to be developed. We need someone who can tally monthly literature shipments under H&I, BBI, and MPS from the website and develop a budget number for 2018.

After a brief explanation by David and an offer to help anyone who felt they could do this, Pam volunteered.

  • PSA After a brief discussion about how to campaign to get groups and intergroups to send to WSO contact information for free PSA spots in their local areas, Coleen (WA) and Sharon (MO) volunteered to come up with wording that will include asking for a list of local radio stations that includes the name and location of the station, an email address and contact person’s name at the station. David said he would aid with the wording. Pam (CA) said she can do the voice over if the stations allow it.
  • Emotional Sobriety Workshop and information table at 61st AA Florida State Convention July 27th – 30th. David, Bill, Jim, and area volunteers will help with the information table.
  • Over 1,500 signups so far for the new ezine newsletter list.
  • As mentioned above, the inaugural Traveler is planned to go out after the 3rd quarter ComLine goes out.

Adjournment – David moved that we adjourn. Ameenah 2nd. Unanimously approved

Meeting was adjourned at 4:44 p.m. PDT with the ACA Serenity Prayer by Carole C., Vice Chair MPS.